9: The performance

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 The steps up to the performance center were huge. Coriolanus took Lucy Gray's hand and helped her out of the limo. He looked over and noticed her eyes were wide and staring up at the large building, "Are you ok?" Startled Lucy Gray jumped, "Yeah sorry, just surprised, it's huge," With a soft chuckle, Coriolanus led her up the steps, "Yeah  I suppose it is,"

 As the pair enters the building they notice Lucky Flickerman huddled in a corner, deep in conversation with a few cameramen. "There's Lucky, he's hosting the show," Coriolanus told Lucy Gray, pointing the man out to her. Lucky Flickerman's eyes widen as he strides over to the pair. "Why hello there Lucy Gray! Didn't think I would ever see you again!" Lucky stretches his hand towards Lucy Gray's, she takes it and he shakes her hand very energetically. Coriolanus glared at Lucky's hand as it touched Lucy Gray's. Before anyone could notice, Coriolanus catches himself. He really ought to work on his anger issues. After all he didn't own Lucy Gray, she was free to make her own decisions. It had all gone wrong the last time he tried to control Lucy Gray, he mustn't repeat his mistakes. 

 Suddenly Lucy Gray was back beside him, snapping him out of his thoughts and back into reality. "Lucky says the show starts in 10 minutes but Coriolanus..." "Yeah?" "I wish I could do something to help the tributes, why do the Hunger Games have to continue in the first place?" Coriolanus sighed, he had been thinking about that lately. Of course, he knew the reason. It was to remind everyone what the nature of humans truly is. Or something like that, he couldn't remember. the stress of this night had been getting to him.


 The ten minutes had finally passed. Coriolanus sat in the audience waiting for his girl to come onto the stage. Nervously he shook his leg in anticipation. Then she spun onto the stage. Her red dress flowed as she moved. "Hello Capital! I'm Lucy Gray, the winner of the 10th annual Hunger Games!" The audience burst into applause, and the atmosphere in the room felt more tense by the minute. "I'm going to sing for you a song I wrote three years ago, I hope you enjoy it!" Then she started singing. 

Everyone's born as clean as a whistle
As fresh as a daisy
And not a bit crazy
Staying that way's a hard row for hoeing

Coriolanus knew this song, it was the one she had written for him. When they were happy in District 12. silently, he hummed along to the tune of the song, taking it all in. 

As rough as a briar
Like walking through fire

This world, it's dark
This world, it's scary
I've taken some hits, so

No wonder I'm wary
It's why I
Need you

You're as pure as the driven snow
Everyone wants to be like a hero
The cake with the cream, or the doer not dreamerDoing's hard work, but it takes some to change things
Like goat's milk to butter
Like ice blocks to water
This world goes blind
When children are dying
I turn into dust, but
You never stop trying
It's why I
Love you

He truly hoped she still loved him, he thought she did. After the show, Coriolanus would make sure to apologize to her again. For what? He'd figure it out, there had to be something. Why else would he feel so so guilty?

You're as pure as the driven snow
Cold and clean
Swirling over my skin
You cloak me
You soak right in

Down to my heart

Everyone thinks they know all about me
They slap me with labels and spit out their fables
You came along and you knew it was lying

You saw the ideal me
And yes, that's the real me
This world, it's cruel

With troubles aplenty
You asked for a reason

I've got three and twenty
For why I
Trust you
You're as pure as the driven snow

It's why I
Trust you
You're as pure as the driven snow

 The Audience bursted into another round of applause. Coriolanus jumped out of his seat and rushed to find Lucy Gray. 

Snow Lands On Top (book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora