Gore Magala and Shagaru Magala

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With Enny out to investigate the 'Elder Dragon', The Dragon Riders remained within her residence and passed the time in all sorts of activities.

Snotlout, Eret, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut are at the training area with Palicos watching over them. Gobbler over by the Smithy area where he studied how the Weapons and Armor are made in this world.

Stoick, Valka, Dagur, and Mala would spend most of their time catching up on certain events that occurred in their lifetime as well as doing something mutual bonding with one another.

Hiccup, Astrid, and Fishlegs went to Enny's library to study some of the Monsters and their Local Habitats.

"To think that creatures besides dragons exist in this world, oh I can't wait to meet them all," Fishleg said, "Though I don't want to be eaten by one,"

"Relax, Fishlegs. With Enny watching over us, I'm sure it'll be fine," Hiccup said, "But on the bright side, we got to learn something about these creatures,"

Though they've seen three predators so far, there was still so much to see and the library pretty much covered the other monsters they haven't. All except for the Elder Dragons as the book they found was completely blank.

Either it's intention or Enny isn't one to fill in the details, they're still curious as to what these Elder Dragons look like. Their only source of information is none other than Enny herself.

After some time, a White Palico with black spots enters the library and meows at the three.

"Is Enny back?" Hiccup inquired, and the Palico nodded in response,

"If she's here, then I guess we'd better get going," Astrid declared, "Find out what she found,"

"Though I still can't fathom how something so small and furry could understand human language," Fishlegs said, "Even when we know it, it still surprises me,"

A Few Minutes Later...

After everyone gathered in the hall room, Enny's Palico ran up to its own on all fours and she proceeded to catch and carry it off the floor, "Thanks, Mochi. You've been a bundle of help,"

Mochi meows happily, and then it jumps out of her arms and stands next to her.

"Mochi? What kind of name is that?" Tuffnut questioned,

"It's a name that's foreign to your people," Enny revealed, "But my Palico aside, it's time we discuss your first Elder Dragon,"

"Does that mean we're going out?" Eret inquired,

"Sadly, no," Enny admitted, "Because Elder Dragons is something you just can't walk up to like other monsters,"

"Think you can share some details with these creatures," Gobber question, "As in, let us know why we shouldn't fight those things in the first place,"

"I guess you all have the right to know now," Enny said, and cleared her throat a few times, "In this world, the Monsters you've all seen belong to some Wyvern. But the one that stands at the top of them all is what is known as 'Elder Dragons'. Literal Forces of Nature itself,"

"Forces of Nature?" Valka repeated with a bewildered look on her face,

"Each Elder Dragon comes with a variety of skills and origins. There's one that controls the wind itself, There's one that controls water, and there's one that shifts the very earth itself. They're much stronger and smarter than any dragon you may have seen in your world,"

"Eh, we've seen a lot of stuff before. What makes you think that anything you have will surprise us," Snotlout remarked,

He took back as Enny pulled out a small bubble carrying what appeared to be black scales oozing with small black particles. Everyone was fixated on these scales as she presented them at the center of the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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