Guild Customs and Weapons

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As the sun rises from the horizon, the Dragons and their Riders woke up and received a quick message from Enny to gather outside the lodge after breakfast from a bunch of Lynians.

They did just that as they stepped out of the room, greeted one another, and went to the hall where food is prepared fresh and ready.

"Does anyone ever get used to this kind of lifestyle? Because I'm starting  to get used to it," Snotlout said as rushed to his seat and feasted on his food,

The others would join up and have a small talk as they ate together. Though they find it quite odd that their esteemed guide isn't around to greet them.

Thus, they would meet her outside the lodge after they'd had their breakfast.

Once they stepped out, they soon find Enny doing what appears to be some form of stretching as some noticed how fluid her arms were moving.

"Is everyone present?" Enny asked even with her back turned,

"We're all here, Enny. Just like you've said" Stoick replied,

"Good," Enny said as she finished her stretching and turned towards them, "Now we may begin,"

Enny then summoned a large chest, and everyone just stood there as she searched for something inside. Moments later, she now wears a necklace around her neck and faces the group.

"So... Are we leaving or are we supposed to admire your pretty necklace?" Tuffnut asked, "Which by the way, that is one cool-looking necklace,"

"Neither, for what I'll show you will occur here," Enny specified, then present the necklace's gem to them, "This Necklace that I'm wearing allows me to wear a set of armor whenever I wish. The armor I have stored throughout the years is in this chest. And so are the weapons that I plan to show you all,"

"Weapons you say?" Gobber said with interest, "If that is what you're showing, color me interested,"

The same is said for Eret, Stoick, Dagur, and the Twins while the rest were curious as to why weapons are being introduced. The first to ask is Hiccup as he's the most curious one, "W-Why would you want to show us weapons?"

"Because..." Enny takes a deep breath before revealing the crucial part of today's session, "In this world, there are hunters. Monster Hunters to be precise,"

This gravely surprised everyone, and Fishlegs was fresh to express his thoughts on the subject, "Monster Hunters? Why would there be Monster Hunters in this World? Can't there be Monster Riders instead,"

"I understand your concern and personality, Fishlegs. But I assure you that we won't be doing any hunting around here or in the Old World," Enny said, "And as for the hunters here, they aren't like the Dragon Hunters you've often clashed within your world. Instead, they have a good reason for it,"

"Which is?" Valka questioned,

"For the safety of their village, and maintaining balance within the ecosystem," Enny explained, "If things are left unchecked, the very ecosystem would fall into disarray and lead to the destruction of homes of hundreds. Even threaten the very lives of people in this world,"

"Couldn't they just relocate them? Surely, it's better than just killing them on the spot," Hiccup suggested,

"If only it were that simple. Because the monsters here aren't like your dragons," Enny explained, "They are much larger, stronger, smarter, and more ferocious than any wild dragon you've faced in your world. The Velocidrome and this Yian Garuga is barely scratching the surface for the number of monsters is vast in the Old World. Even if they are tamed and trained under your standards, it wouldn't affect the very nature of this world in the slightest. Good or Bad,"

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