Chapter 34

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Dawn stood in front of a smooth falling waterfall, a type of waterfall which falls like still water. The water acting as a mirror for her; running her hands down her torso, she smudged some soot and blood as she traced her newest scar, the one she got from running from the Seeker, she locked eyes with herself in the reflection and her face turned to shock, her eyes drifted to her hair, watching how it fell over her shoulder and down her back, the white seemed to have been overtaken by black soot and red blood, the white was barely visible. Her hair was matted and tangled, her skin was no longer flawless, she was covered from head to toe in blood, some of it her own, ash and dirt, her scars even looked rough and irritated, yet they still looked perfect on her is a strange way; her outfit was no longer clean and smooth, her loin cloth and top were burnt and ripped but it was still an outfit fit for an Empress. She was a fierce Empress, one which fights with her people and for her people. Dawn felt a weight on her shoulder, looking to her shoulder in the water, she saw Blu in his Dragon form resting his muzzle on her shoulder. She caught his eyes in the reflection and smiled. Dawn kissed his nose just as Knox walked towards the two and into the water.

The sound of rushing water falling to the lake was heard; the air was warm. Warm enough to tell that spring was on its way, flower buds started to gently blanket the forest greens of grass and berries had started to grow on the tree branches above. The ground looked so soft, soft enough that your feet would sink with every step. The water falling from the small waterfalls above and into the slow moving lake below. looked so calming and beautiful; it was so clear you could see the bottom with ease, just like looking through glass.

Steam rose from the lake; in said lake was Dawn, as naked as the day she was born, floating around, doing everything in her power to relax after the last couple of hours. She trusted Alpha and Champion to take care of everything whilst she was gone. The hot spring waterfall she was in was deep in the Moaning Creek; the Misty Depths. A waterfall which falls into hot springs, the cool water from the falling water keeps the temperature of the hot springs below boiling. But still very hot. It isn't some hot spring you can just plunge yourself into.

Her hair fanned out behind her, elegantly floating on the water surface. Below the surface of the hot spring, right underneath Dawn, Blu was swimming around in the form of a Sea Serpent, having the absolute time of his life. Dawn herself was stressed, only a couple hours ago, she and the rest of her warriors were fighting a war and freeing slaves. What sat heavy in her mind was the question; what happens now? She has done all that she can to keep Terrasen safe, to keep it out of the public eye. After the reputation it gained over 50 years ago, she wanted to make sure that history doesn't repeat itself yet somehow it did. The Kingdom of Nialow fell because the other Kingdoms couldn't see its beauty and only saw a threat, and thus eliminated said threat. What would the Kingdoms do once they saw what happened at the Gathering? What would the world do once they discover that the Kingdom of Terrasen, which fell over 50 years ago, has risen back to its former glory? The cameras had been destroyed the moment the castle started burning, and then war broke out throughout the Kingdoms. Apparently war had also broken out in Zloria, Osiba, Therenth, and Ethipan.

The foreign countries and Kingdoms don't see the world in the same way, maybe the odd person might, but Kings and Lords and Emperors won't, they see it only as a way to make money. He who has the most land and the most enslaved wins. And Xola knows that Dawn would never let that happen to her people. But what sacrifices would have to be made?

The feeling of Blu's scales brushing along her back and bum snapped her out of her thoughts.

Right, she was here to relax, not to be an Empress.

So she did what any person would do in this situation, splash Blu. And so the game began. A game of tag, with Dawn swimming and turning as fast as she could with her injuries in order to avoid the Death Shifter, and Blu flicking his tail to create mini waves, enough to pull Dawn underwater. Opening her eyes in the boiling water, she locked eyes with Blu, where she sank to the bottom of the lake, just listening to the almost silence. The sound of water falling above her sounded muffled, the slight croones of Blu rung out in deep waves. A sense of déjà vu passed over the two.

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