Chapter 28

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The meeting concluded, and the kings departed to their respective realms. Dawn reclined on her front, engrossed in growing flowers on the bark and manipulating water droplets. Unbeknownst to her, Knox remained seated behind her, his gaze filled with tenderness, watching her with a softness in his eyes, the tension flowing right out of his body, finally able to relax after months of preparing for war. "I never meant to hurt you, physically or emotionally." He said in a soft voice, Dawn jumped slightly thinking he had left with the others. "Of course I loved the thought of you, you were all I could think about, the only one who was brave enough to stay with me, even when I started to lose control. But I also love you, even back then, I always loved you. I just didn't want to get in your way. I also never meant to push you so far-"

"I'm really glad you did. . . Without you pushing me, I never would have found my brother, I never would have found Alpha or Octavius, Lion or Rome. I also never would have found Asher. And I would have never freed the slaves. I'm glad you did." Dawn whispered, leaning her head on his shoulder, staring at the view.

"You never told me, how did you know the guys?"

"Back in Nialow, there was a group of warriors, practically the same as the Skulls, the two were close, apparently our ancestors fought together, so skills were passed down. Only specific people could be chosen, people with something we called an Ore. Gifts given to us by Xola the mother spirit. Alpha, Lion, Octavius, Rome and Bear were a part of it. Then I joined. I was chosen after I broke the record for finishing the training course. I was the first ever woman. I was placed into Alphas group and the rest was history."

"What are their Ores?"

"His ore is Super strength but to an uncanny amount.

"Alphas ore is Perfect Recollection. He has the ability to recollect anything from anytime or anything he has read, heard about or witnessed. Octavius's ore is Omni Fabrication; the ability to invent or create anything from basically nothing. Lions ore is Weather manipulation. He is able to manipulate and change the weather, as well as materialising it to use as a weapon. And Rome's Ore is the ability to call upon, speak to or gain the skills of the dead. And mine is the ability to manipulate the elements, which explains why I never drowned that day. I never knew I had one before that day. I was chosen to be a warrior of the village purely on my skills, it wasn't until I was surrounded by the fire that I figured something out. I never got burnt, ever. But you already knew that." Dawn ranted as she recalled her past.

"I don't mind, I like listening to you talk. Though I must ask something which has been bothering me. Why does Alpha kiss your hand at any given moment?"

"Don't worry about that, it was an inside joke we had back on Nialow. Because my family was rich, it was polite to plant a kiss on the woman's right hand, but if you were courting them it would be her left hand. He liked to make fun of the fact that I hated being from a rich family. It became something he did everytime I or he would walk into a room. I promise nothing is going on." Silence fell over the two again.

"What do you think about angels?" Knox asked

"That's a strange question. Why do you ask?"

"Just curious. Most people believe angels to be righteous, merciful."

"Most people are idiots." Dawn stated with complete seriousness. She barely believed in Xola, let alone angels and devils.

"What do you believe?"

"I believe that angels are the blades that the Gods swing and blades aren't meant to be merciful, because it isn't their place to care.", Ater a small time frame of silence dawn spoke up again, "That was a very strange question to ask."

"I couldn't think of anything to break the silence." the two laughed before falling back into silence.

They remained in each other's presence, basking in the intoxicating aura they created together. Time seemed to cease as they sat there, immersed in the symphony of their shared moments.  Knox's gaze fixated on Dawn, his eyes never leaving her as she recalled some of the happier moments of her past, like her other older brothers.

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