Chapter 26

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In the training grounds of AutumnMill, the sound of clashing swords and twanging bowstrings filled the air. The warriors, under the watchful eye of their Myth, prepared diligently for the impending war that loomed on the horizon.

The warriors lined up in formation, their swords glinting in the sunlight, and their bows strung with arrows ready to be unleashed. The training began with a rigorous warm-up, led by the experienced Myth, ensuring their bodies were primed for the challenges ahead.

Under the scorching sun, the warriors practised the art of swordplay. They engaged in one-on-one sparring sessions, honing their footwork, timing, and precision. The clash of steel echoed as they practised defensive manoeuvres, parries, and swift counterattacks. Each strike and parry were executed with purpose and determination.

In another corner of the training grounds, archers took their positions. With bows drawn and arrows nocked, they aimed at distant targets, their eyes focused and steady. The elder warriors guided them on proper stance, grip, and release, teaching them to synchronise their breaths with their shots for optimal accuracy.

Other training exercises included; how to hold their breath for a very long time when under water, how to swim for longer, how to run for longer and how to do it silently, how to jump higher, for example jumping over objects higher than their waist, how to pull themselves up whether it be onto branches or scaling mountains.

The warriors then transitioned into group exercises, simulating battle scenarios. They formed shield walls, learning to work together, their shields overlapping to create an impenetrable barrier. Myth drilled them on maintaining formation, moving as a cohesive unit, and adapting swiftly to changing circumstances.

Amidst the physical training, the warriors also received tactical instruction. Maps were spread across tables, and the discussions of strategies were underway, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy. They emphasised the importance of scouting, intelligence gathering, and exploiting favourable terrain.

The training intensified as the warriors engaged in mock battles, pitting one formation against another. Myth closely observed, correcting and guiding them towards efficient tactics. They stressed the significance of discipline, communication, and adaptability on the battlefield.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. The warriors tirelessly repeated their drills, conditioning their bodies and minds for the harsh realities of war. They understood that victory was not solely dependent on individual skill, but on the cohesion and unity of the entire army.

As the final stages of training approached, the warriors' confidence grew. They had forged bonds with their comrades, developed a deep trust in their commanders, and embraced the arduous journey that lay ahead. The training had transformed them into a formidable force, ready to defend their kingdom with unwavering loyalty and unwavering valour.

With their swords sharpened and bows finely tuned, the army stood tall and resolute. They were prepared for the trials of war, knowing that their training had equipped them with the skills, resilience, and determination necessary to face whatever challenges awaited them on the battlefield.

"Your Majesty?"

". . . What?"

"There are people here to see you." Dawn raised her head slightly to see Champion standing in the doorway, looking bigger, stronger, more confident than the last time she saw him. Yet Dawn looked worse, she hadn't been using her wings, just lying in her nest thinking on how to improve her plan, she skipped meals and barely ate.

"Just tell them to fuck off." Dawn said as she looked back up to the treetops.

"Ma'am, I really, really think you need to see who it is." Hearing the tone in his voice, Dawn sat up with a sigh, and slowly pulled herself out of her nest.

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