Chapter 6

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After a long process of signing official papers and getting to know each other, the kings left to meet back with their wives and the rest of their warriors, with an agreement to meet at dinner, where they can discuss how they are to exchange information. Well that was the plan.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty THERE'S A PROBLEM, YOUR MAJE-OH!" A civilian came in screaming until they bumped into the Empress. Shouting intangible things.

"Okay, okay slow down, what's the problem. Slowly." Dawn responded in a calm slow voice.

"Okay, Your Majesty, the children , well you know what they're like, they love to play, and they get excited when playing, well not too badly, no rough housing. But you know how they are."

"You're ranting, bring it back."

"Okay, okay, well they got really excited when playing tag and they ran off, but that wasn't the problem, you know they're always doing that, as you know, because they come to see you, so we all thought that they came here, but we looked and they weren't, aren't, till someone remembered the direction they ran off in."

"Mr Nozala. Where are the kids?"

"Your Majesty, they ran into the Moaning Creek. The Moving forest."

"WHAT?!" Dawn couldn't believe it. Why now of all the times they could have ran to the Moving Forest, it had to be now. Dawn's heart raced as she received the alarming news of the children running into the Moaning Creek and the Moving Forest. She knew the dangers that awaited them there, especially during the mating season of the Seekers. And a Seeker rampage, it's almost unsurvivable, especially for kids with no experience. "I want all warriors patrolling the edge of the forest , no one is to go in. Get everyone inside the tree now. After that no one leaves, that's an order. Blu. Let's go. After I enter the forest no one is to follow. Am I understood?"

"Yes ma'am." Mr Nozala ran off to sound the alarm, whilst Alpha's team went to gather the other warriors. She understood the risks involved and knew that her experience as a warrior would give her the best chance of finding and rescuing the children. With the assurance of her orders understood by those around her, Dawn took a deep breath, her mind focused on the task at hand.

"Dawn you cannot go into that forest, these kids are smart, they know not to go too far." Rebel was protesting hard about this.

"Rebel. Don't fight me on this. I know this forest better than anyone. Those kids will not survive to see the sun rise if I don't get them out of there. SKY!" Immediately another warrior falls to his knees at Dawn's feet. "I want Coossaws in the air now, Vorlex on the ground helping with patrol. Have the Mers patrolling the waters just in case, alert the Manticore tribe just in case they pass through and ask the Gryphons to help, offer them the jewels in return. GO! NOW!"

"Of course Ma'am." Dawn sprinted across multiple bridges, her feet nimbly skipping over branches, her determination fueling each bound. But as the daunting task wore on, her efforts seemed in vain. Exhausted and desperate, she made a daring decision—she would abandon the bridges and leap from branch to branch, descending swiftly to the forest floor. Landing with a thud, she ran into the kings.

"Empress Dawn, what is happening? Why is everyone in a state of panic? How can we be of assistance?" Emperor Rhys inquired, his concern evident.

"Remain indoors. Do not venture outside. Rebel will ensure your safety and attend to your needs," Dawn hastily instructed, not meeting their gaze. She swiftly removed her crown and mounted Blu's back as he transformed into a majestic Direshire.

Without waiting for a response, Dawn urged Blu into a gallop, gripping his mane tightly and matching her body's rhythm with his powerful strides. She pressed her legs against his sides, urging him to accelerate, propelling them deep into the heart of the forest.

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