Chapter 33

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Empress Dawn stood in the clearing, covered in blood, a sense of unease creeping through her veins. She had always trusted her best friend, Rogue, implicitly, but something felt amiss. Her instincts told her that darkness lurked beneath the surface of their seemingly unbreakable bond.

Unable to ignore the nagging doubt any longer, Dawn summoned Rogue to her, a mix of apprehension and determination etched upon her regal features. As her friend entered, the air became heavy with unspoken tension.

"Rome. . .  bring me Lavender, Rebel and Rogue." Dawn whispered in a broken voice, her eyes never leaving the bodies which lay before her, unmoving. "Bring them here by their hair if you have to. Bear. Round up the warriors and get ready to head home. We can pack up the dead later." Within a couple of seconds, the girls were on their knees in front of Dawn.

"Rogue," Dawn began, her voice firm yet tinged with vulnerability, "we have shared our deepest secrets, entrusted each other with our lives. But now, a shadow of doubt has settled in my heart. Tell me, is there truth to the rumours that you have betrayed me?"

Rogue's eyes darted nervously, her usually composed demeanour showing signs of unease. "Dawn, I assure you, there is no truth to such baseless accusations. I would never betray you. Our friendship means everything to me."

The Empress studied her friend's face intently, searching for any signs of deception. The weight of the situation bore heavily upon her, but she knew she had to uncover the truth, no matter how painful it may be.

"I want to believe you, Rogue," Dawn replied, her voice laced with a mix of desperation and determination. "But there have been whispers, subtle hints, and pieces of information that cannot be ignored. Tell me honestly, have you conspired against me? Have you turned your back on our friendship?"

Rogue hesitated, her gaze shifting uncomfortably. The silence between them became suffocating, pregnant with unspoken truths. Finally, she spoke, her voice filled with a mixture of regret and resignation.

"I...I cannot deny it any longer, Your Majesty," Rogue confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I have indeed betrayed you. Influenced by envy and a desire for power, I align myself with those who sought to undermine your reign."

Dawn felt her heart shatter into a thousand pieces, the pain of the revelation coursing through her. The weight of her friend's betrayal pressed upon her, threatening to crush the foundation of trust they had built over countless years.

Tears welled in the Empress's eyes, a mixture of sorrow and anger surfacing within her. "How could you, Amelia? We were sisters in all but blood. I trusted you with my life, and you have shattered that trust in the cruellest of ways. Our friendship, our bond, now lies in ruins."

Rogue bowed her head, unable to meet the Empress's gaze. "I am truly sorry, Your Majesty. I let my own weaknesses cloud my judgement. There are no words to express the depth of my remorse."

Dawn turned straight to Lavender, Rebel and Rogue; not even bothering to give any emotion. "Why?"

"Why what?" Rebel asked, looking down.


"I can't just. . .  you can't expect me to answer something like that so easily."

"I fucking can. Are you going to let Rebel do all the talking or are you going to speak up for yourself?" Dawn asked the other two, but they stayed silent. "How dare you. After everything I did for you. I saved your lives and the lives of your families, I gave you a home. I gave you a purpose. I gave you power. I gave you my friendship. And you had the balls to not only betray me, but to then not be able to answer why. I should kill the three of you where you are, on your knees in front of me. Exactly how we first met. Seems appropriate doesn't it?"

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