Chapter 7

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Along the riverbanks, Weeping Willows gracefully caressed the water's surface, creating gentle ripples. Silk weed patches scattered around while vibrant fish of various sizes and colours swam in the clear depths. This serene place, known as the Oasis of Tranquillity, was the heart of Moaning Creek.

Dawn recognized the significance of this place, yet words failed her. Why had the forest guided them here? Legends spoke of the sacred Oasis as the meeting point and home of the two lost lovers who shaped Terrasen: Utia, the spirit of Dawn, and Madall, the spirit of Dusk. Chosen by the Empress of All, Xola, these souls were entrusted with the care of her creations. Utia guarded Xola's realm from dawn till dusk, while Madall watched over it from dusk till dawn. It was also where Myth had discovered Dawn seven years ago.

Unable to stay afloat, Dawn relied on Blu, slowly swimming and preserving their surroundings' tranquillity. Pushing old memories aside, she focused on finding any signs of the missing children. Hours had passed, most of which they spent in the water, and Dawn's hope began to wane.

Almost imperceptibly, Dawn's keen eyesight detected it—a bloody handprint on a tree, child-sized. "Blu, stop," Dawn whispered, gesturing toward the riverbank where she had spotted the print. Gracefully, Blu guided them there, and with his assistance, Dawn emerged from the water. Barefoot, she cautiously treaded the sacred ground, careful not to disturb the ethereal spirits. Blu transformed into a small drogn and perched on Dawn's shoulder, mindful of her wounds from the Seeker's attack.

Doubts crept into Dawn's mind as she pondered why Moaning Creek had led them here. "That's assuming it's them," she murmured. "But I can feel it. They're here." Now began the arduous task of locating the children. Dawn realised she had neglected to ask how many of them had ventured into the forest. It was bound to be a long day. Crouching down, she meticulously searched for footprints, scents, or any trace that could guide them. Then, she caught a scent.

Gazing up into the branches, Dawn exchanged a knowing look with Blu before focusing on the tree limbs. Taking a deep breath, she leaped and effortlessly swung onto a branch. Spotting more blood droplets, she followed the trail, leaping from branch to branch with increasing speed. As the bloodstains multiplied, Dawn turned sharply, nearly dislodging Blu. Ignoring the pain in her ribs, she sprinted faster, fueled by her unwavering determination to reach her people's lost children.

Slipping on the wet moss-covered branch, Dawn lost her balance and landed heavily, aggravating her already injured ribs. A cry of pain escaped her lips, swiftly silenced by a primal growl. Pushing through the agony, she picked herself up and pressed forward, while Blu expressed his concern with soothing croons.

Faster, faster, faster she went until a resounding "STOP!" echoed in her mind. Abiding instantly, Dawn turned her head to the left. There they were—the three children who had implored her to move the water. Clive, Mrs. B's werewolf-shifter grandson; Decker, Mr. Nozala's dragon-shifter son; and Theola, Lion's younger sister. Sprinting toward them, Dawn reached out just as Clive teetered backward, catching him in her arms before he hit the ground.

"Mrs. Majesty!" gasped the two still perched on the tree branch.

"Are you three all right?" Dawn inquired, her voice steady despite the turmoil within.

"No, Mrs. Majesty. Clive got a deep cut on his stomach. He hit an old branch while fleeing from these huge green creatures," Theola replied, her voice quivering with tears.

"It's going to be alright. I'm here now. You're safe," Dawn assured, tearing her already tattered dress to create a makeshift bandage for Clive's wound. Her breathing grew shallow as she struggled to remain composed, feeling lightheaded and queasy. "Okay, Blu, I need you to fly them out of here. Can you do that?£

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