18. Don't Ice Me Out

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Kylie cheered, loud. Sam had the ball, was was trying to book it down the midfield, before someone got it off her.

It was the first friendly against the US, and they were currently losing 1-0. Coming up quick behind Sam were the Mewis sisters, Kristie coming up on her right, Sam Mewis not too far behind her sister.

Kristie did a great tackle, pushing the ball out of bounds, but it also resulted in the two doing a quick tumble to the ground. Kylie could tell the two laughed it off, giving each other a pat on the shoulder.

The girls continued to play great after that, even though they lost with a 2-0.

Sam had told Kylie to meet her back at her apartment, so she did that, waiting for her partner to arrive home. In her boredom, she scrolled through twitter, being bored as she was.

#kewisisback trended first.

She knew it wasn't good for her mental health, but she couldn't help herself. The skater clicked onto the hashtag.

the interaction was so short but the chemistry is still there!

could it be?... we're getting our fav couple back??

i feel like even though they didn't really interact, it was just so heart-warming. they looked so happy to be near each other.

Kylie felt her heart clench. They did look happy, didn't they?

"Babe?" Sam yelled, finally home. The skater pulled herself together, walking towards the footballer.

"Nice game." She grinned.

Sam simply laughed, embracing the girl into a tight hug, emotionally drained after the game. "We'll do better in the second friendly."

Kylie buried her face in Sam's shoulder, trying to forever remember her scent, her hugs. She giggled, "I have absolutely no doubt that you'll do better in the next one."


Sam was at training for the game in 2 days, and Kylie was just on social media, when she received a text.


Lizzie Taylor (coach ma'am)

Hey Kylie, there was a sudden
opening in a tournament in
2 days, if you wanted in

It's not super big but it would
be good experience

Yep, that sounds great Liz

Also, I need to talk to you
about something

I'm relocating to New Zealand

If you wanted to come with
I would totally continue to coach you

But I know that you have a life here
and I don't want to take that away

I'll come with you.



Once again, the Matildas were losing 1-0, until Sam got the ball again. It was such an eerily similar game to the other one, with Kristie right on the Matildas captain's tail. But it was different as Sam avoided Kristie's tackle, before nailing the ball into the back of the net.

Kristie stood up, Sam laughing at the girl, who's white jersey is now covered in grass stains. She stood up to shake the captain, and Kylie could see her mouth move to something along the lines of, 'why'd you have to be so good' or something.

Don't Ice Me Out | Sam KerrWhere stories live. Discover now