3. Wouldn't look good for either of us

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The next day, the team reviewed their plays. The entire team was still buzzing with pride and euphoria over winning the Olympics; after all, this was truly a breakthrough for Australia and women's soccer. After the team meeting, the girls had began heading to their hotel rooms, walking through the corridors and hallways in groups.

"So, how was ice dancer's competition last night?" Caitlin elbowed Sam, Alanna and Macca catching wind of the conversation and listening in.

"Oh well, you're never going to get this. Apparently, Kylie was already an Olympic gold medallist when we met her." Sam said cockily, almost in a showing-Kylie-off kind of attitude. The other's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait so you talked to her after the comp?" Alanna pieced together.

"I mean yeah, she won again, two-time gold medallist for Australia in the Olympics." The trio smiled, telling Sam to congratulate the skater for the win. "Uh, yeah about that, we were going to go around Paris sometime this week but by time we parted, I realised neither of us have each others contacts."

Macca sighed dramatically in disappointment, clearly not expecting this from their captain, Alanna laughed at Sam's pain, nudging Caitlin who raised her eyebrows at her. "Also, did you know Kylie was the first woman to land a quadruple axel? I was so surprised, and-"

"What is a quadruple axel?" Macca interrupted, the girls know of figure skating jumps, spins, and leaps, but they kind of all looked the same to the football players. "Wait, you learnt figure skating terms, you planned to meet up with her later, you shot a game winning goal after she yelled at you to; you like her don't you?" Caitlin said, facing her.

Sam's head whipped around, "no, no, no, I mean she's really pretty don't get me wrong, but she lives in Sydney, I live in London, I'm a footballer, she's a figure skater, and most of all, I just got out of relationship."

"So, why are you guys going to hangout in Paris after meeting like twice?" Alanna asked, genuinely confused.

"I- uh, I guess emotions are too raw, I'm not ready to have to go back, face Kristie, move out, everything. I just wanted to stay a bit longer." Sam admitted, avoiding eye contact.

"Well, you better figure it out, because Kylie seems sweet, and she's not a rebound, so be careful." Macca said as she went into her room. Caitlin and Alanna offer a reassuring smile, before going both also going into their rooms.

Sam takes a deep sigh. "It's ok, I know I'm not a rebound." A voice says form behind her. The footballer whips around to see Kylie, her long, dark brown hair out for the first time since she's seen her. "Kylie, we weren't, I wasn't-"

"No, it's ok Sam," she giggles, walking up to the footballer, "it wouldn't look too good on either us if that rumour hit the decks at the moment anyways. 'Straight, two-time figure skating Olympic champion Kylie Sato gets with captain of Matildas who is still publicly in a relationship, 6 year age gap'. Not exactly the best career boosting topic needed right now."

Sam gapes at her, "How'd you find me? I knew you were a fan, but damn Kylie."

"I'm not a stalker you know, we're in the same hotel, I just asked Ellie Carpenter for a lift in the elevator, told her I was on the same level. Come to think of it, this hotel isn't that secure is it?" The skater rambles on. "Anyways, here, give me your number." She grabs Sam's hand, placing her phone in it, a new contact already opened. The footballer put in her details, giving Kylie back her phone.

Sam watched Kylie walk towards the elevators, "Text me the details!" she yelled, giving Sam a major sense of deja vu.


Sam had wanted to text Kylie the details, but she hadn't sent her a message yet, to give her her number. It was only around 11pm when the skater had finally messaged her.


sorry! i complretly forgot to txt u D:

You're good! How's 11 am
tomorrow at xxx park?

yeah ofc, see u then :))

Sam changed Unknown to Jack Frost



The next morning, Sam had made her way to the meeting spot 10 minutes early, scrolling through her phone on a park bench. It was around 11:07 when Sam began getting anxious. Did Kylie forget?

The skater had a very bad tendency to be around 5-15 minutes late to hangouts. It used to be because she would wake up as late as possible before getting ready, but when people began getting annoyed at her, she began waking up 45 minutes before she needed to leave the house. But as a result of this, she started taking as long as she wanted to get ready - which resulted her being late anyways. Kylie always felt guilty for it, but it was not her intention, and she never did it for important occasions like competitions. Before important events, Kylie would get too nervous to even sleep, and it kind of became part of her pre-competition superstitions not to sleep. (It was really bad).

Jack Frost

sorry im late!! im here, where r u?

Sam felt relieved, that Kylie didn't forget. She really wanted to be friends with Kylie, she really thought they clicked together quite well.

I'm on the bench near
the centre of the park,
next to a big tree


im next to the big tree, stil cant see u


uh, I can't see you either,
are you standing
opposite to the bakery?

i dont see a backery

lets jsut meet at the fountain

fuck im bad a spelling


Sam smiled at the texts, walking towards the fountain, their chat still open on her phone in case Kylie texts her again. She felt two hands grab onto her shoulders, shaking her violently whilst she let out a scream.

"PFFT AHAHAH I'M SORRY" She turned around to see Kylie, hands covering her face whilst she laughed. Once the skater recovered, she looked up to see a stoic Sam, feeling guilty, she asked, "Sorry, was that too much?"

"I'm gonna get you back." Sam tilted her head, smirking evilly before turning and walking, Kylie giggling behind her as she tried to catch up.

Don't Ice Me Out | Sam KerrWhere stories live. Discover now