7. You better give me a kiss

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"Yep. Stalking, taking photos without knowledge. Mhmm." Sam was on the phone with the authorities, letting them know about a man who may have been stalking Kylie long term. "Kylie, what was he wearing?" She asked, bringing the skater out of a daze.

"Um, all black, trackies, and a zip up hoodie, I think?" Kylie replied, Sam repeated it into the phone.

"Yeah, like paparazzi. He might possibly know her address." A pause. "Yeah, the Australian figure skater, Kylie Sato."

Sam speaks on the phone for a bit longer, before hanging up. The bed dips, Sam sitting next to Kylie, who is now wearing one of Sam's hoodies and sporty shorts, them being maybe a size larger than Kylie's. Her hair was still damp from washing off earlier, light waves bouncing into her hair now that it had began to dry a little. "Kylie, the authorities said you should probably stay somewhere else than your apartment." The footballer said gently.

"I know. I mean, I've been meaning to move somewhere else anyways, I need a new coach anyways." Sam nods.

"Have you found a new coach?"

Kylie had been getting a lot of emails from figure skating coaches once they had found out she ended her contract with Helena, and she had been emailing back and forth with a few coaches she thought she'd like.

"I've narrowed down my options to three coaches, I haven't decided who though."

Sam pushed Kylie's long hair to one side. "Yeah, who?"

The skater fidgeting with her fingers. "There's Sabine Dumont in Paris, Frank Carrol in the USA, and Eliza Taylor in London." She shrugged.

"Where do you want to go?" Some part of Sam wanted Kylie to move to London, to come to London with her.

"I don't know. I mean I was just in Paris." Kylie said. "But-"

"Come to London. You could stay with me, I mean I just got a new apartment. We could have so much fun." Kylie's face almost lit-up, a stark contrast to her aloofness. "We're friends after all, right?"

The skater thought about it for a moment. Sam felt her chest squeeze, regret filling her for so suddenly asking Kylie to move in with her. I mean was it too much, too fast? She's probably not ready for this. Oh my god why am I thinking like this, we're not in a relationship-

"Yeah. I'd love that." Kylie smiles at Sam, that same smile that she gave her the night they met at the stadium. That smile that looked at Sam like she was her whole world.

"Alright then, let's get your things."


Sam accompanied Kylie back to her apartment in the afternoons, arranging for transportation of her belongings to be shipped to London. It was easy, since the skater's things were already packed for moving.

"So, that's the last box." Kylie said, as she sent off the movers. Sam was hit with major deja vu from when she moved out of Kristie's. Last time she was moving boxes, she ended up kissing Kristie.

Kristie. Sam was so quick to drop everything and come to Sydney for Kylie. Everything. She looked at the skater, who had a bag packed for the plane, and yet checking the Uber on her phone. She still wore Sam's hoodie and shorts, Kylie had become very comfortable wearing Sam's clothes. Sam's clothes were already baggy on her, so now that Kylie, who was a few inches shorter than Sam, wore them, they draped over her shoulders quite a lot.

"Sam, it's here." The footballer had been so focused on Kylie, she hadn't even realised that the Uber had showed up. "Oh, yep."

They begin to make their way to the airport.


They had made their way to their gate, after checking in and going through security. The two made their way onto the plane, getting seated next to each other, in economy.

Sam sank in her seat, dreading the next 24 hours. When she had come to Sydney, her focus, her priority was Kylie, but now that her mind wasn't clouded with worry, she had come back to her fear of flying.

"Sammy, you ok?" She nodded, but her fingers gripped the armrests. Sam felt a hand placed on top of hers, Kylie peeling her hand off the armrest and interlocking their hands together. "You're ok, I'm here." The skater's thumb gently rubbed circles on Sam's hand.

As the flight began, the plane taking off, Sam gripped Kylie's hand tighter, the feeling of blocked ears and the uncomfortable churning in her stomach beginning. Her eyes squeezed shit, just waiting for the take off to be over, waiting until the flight became easier to bear.

Sam felt a peck on her cheek. Her eyes flew open, shock filling her mind. She turned to a cheeky Kylie, smiling. "I- you-"

"See, you're fine! Take off is over!" She smiled. Kylie had distracted the footballer with a little kiss, breaking her fear of flying for a moment. "Alright, I'm gonna sleep for a bit."

The skater got comfortable, layer her head on Sam's shoulders before closing her eyes. "Ok, well now you have to give me a kiss when the plane is landing." The footballer whispers as a joke, a small part of her wishing Kylie wouldn't see it as a joke though.

"Mhmm, will do."

Sam covered her face with her other hand, the shoulder Kylie wasn't leaning on.

So this is what fangirling feels like.

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