13. So which one of your wives will be going, father?

Start from the beginning

Doctor Clarkson, calmly looked up at him, unimpressed by his outburst. "Mr. Delfavero, please watch how you speak and control your emotions," she said firmly. "You have every right to get a second opinion, but I will not tolerate threats and uncultured behavior in my office."

Pablo's anger immediately boiled over at her condescending tone. "Do you even realize what you're telling me?" he yelled, standing up and towering over her.

"That I won't be able to have sex with her, what the fuck did I marry her for? She's useless then!" he continued to yell.

The urge to hit him was overwhelming. How insensitive could he be? But before i could even react, a loud smack echoed in the room. I looked at Doctor Clarkson to see that she was red in anger.

"How dare you, Mr. Delfavero?" the doctor exclaimed. "What do you think of yourself, you low life misogynist?"

Both Pablo and I were shocked by her outburst, but Pablo's anger only grew.

"Who do you think you are, woman?" he yelled. "You've made a very big mistake by doing that. You don't know who I am and what I can do."

But Doctor Clarkson just smirked and calmly replied, "I am not scared of you, Mr. Delfavero. You don't know who I am either. Now, if you're done with your bullshit, please leave my office. Her medication has been prescribed already, you'll get it on your way out." She dismissed us.

Pablo was taken aback by her confidence and authority. I'm sure he has never encountered a woman who would stand up to him like this.

I stood up and she handed me a small stack of papers, my medical report. I took it from her with trembling hands.

"Thank you, doctor," I murmured, my voice shaking.

Just as I was about to leave, the nurse who had assisted Dr. Clarkson, bumped into me. "Sorry, Ms. Rivelli," she said with a smile, handing me a plastic bag filled with medication.

I thanked her with a weak smile and followed Pablo out of the hospital. Once we got into the car, Pablo slammed the door shut and stared out the window, his heavy breaths of fury audible in the silence.

The anger and rage coursing through my body was almost unbearable

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The anger and rage coursing through my body was almost unbearable. How dare that woman raise her hand at me? I was a powerful man, and no one, especially not some weak woman, had the right to lay a finger on me.

The soft sniffles from Isadora dragged my attention. She was crying.

Although I was furious at her, furious at her because she is the reason why the filthy doctor slapped me, I couldn't help but feel a bit of stir in my pants at the sight of her tears.

She was beautiful. How would I resist not fucking this pretty little thing?

I really couldn't careless about her life span but I needed her to be alive. Something has to be done, something has to be fixed regarding her health condition. My cock strained harder as i stared at her bare thighs. My anger was slowly being replaced by my desire to have her

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