Meeting the robber

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"Y/n you surely don't want to make your dad angry by just going out do you?"

"Please Mother I will be back I am going with Siara I will okay I promise" I give her my puppy eyes

"It's dangerous you can take France with you, " she says smiling. France is the son of my father's friend my father who is a well-known merchant wishes that someday I will tie tied knot with him.

Do I like him? The answer is no he is a snobby jerk

"Mother never in a million I will be marrying him, I am going, and do not say that thing again " I stormed off. To our meeting spot.

It was a beautifully hilly area where there was a river.

"Y/n you late," Cynthia says I see her bf and his friend.
"You know I don't know how to ride a horse " I pat my horse.

"You looked so funny when you were walking even tho you had a horse." Frank Cynthia bf says.

"Not funny Cynthia said you will teach me?"I said clapping my hands in excitement

"You a child. Not me but my friend Tim will " he says patting Tim's back.

Cynthia and Frank were busy doing the lover's quarrel and PDA. Whereas Tim was teaching me to ride my horse.

"I think you can now ride it on your own? Or do. you still want me to sit with you" he says

"Maybe I'll try to ride it on my own," I said confidently.

"You sure, " Tim asks, getting off

"Yes here I go, " I Pat the horse. It started running "Wow " I laughed it was exciting but soon it started going too fast "y/n stop it " I heard Cynthias and Tim scream

The horse was running really fast. Soon I lose sight of my friends. The horse started to change its direction on its own.

"Pls stop " I tried to pull the string but it wouldn't budge.

"Help- " I screamed.

The horse takes me to a field filled with goats cows and some Cowboys. Who seemed like they were taking the animals but my horse seemed to divert it.

"Hey watch it" I hear someone say "Help I can't stop us" I scream

"Hey pull the string," a guy wearing a mask says he was also riding along the side with me unlike me he was really in control of his ride.

"I tired it won't stop"

I see my horse getting close to the exit point.
"Omg if I die fathers going to kill me again" I scream

The mask guy jumps on my horse and pulls the rope making it stop. The horse stops.

"Oh my lord thank you, god"

"It's me who saved you tho" I looked up I was lying on his chest his blue eyes Pierced my gaze.

"Thank you, mask man," I said huffing

I soon hear Tim and Frank calling for me.
"Your frinds ?" he asks I nod.

"Y/n are you okay" Frank asks "Who is he" Tim asks

"He saved me" I reply

"Y/n it's getting evening uncle will kill us if he knew that we took you for horse learning" I suddenly jumped after hearing Frank say "Cynthia is gone?" I ask

"Yes, Roger came" Oh lord "Oh shoot I forgot there is a party" I looked at the masked man.

"I will surely repay you someday but I really have to go thank you so much for helping me" Tim helped me get on his horse and he took my horse the masked man was on his horse.

"Well I will surely hope that you will meet me again" he winks at me and rides away.

Billy the kid - the robber - Tom BlythWhere stories live. Discover now