-After Work-

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That last little chapter only exists. As I mentioned, Bera would have a clothing shop, and to really calm it, that is the end.

So yeah, the moment all fear has come, the end of an era... A b-era... Okay, I'll stop before I get started.

Anyhow, Bera's story has reached its end just like Paige's and Athena's have as well. All that will happen to it is a reread to try to correct the grammar and spelling mistakes that I spot so yeah finished here.

I never do this (and I'll delete it if you don't like it) but shoutout to @Midnight318 because they were the one to request me to write a story for Enobaria and without them, this story that I really liked writing wouldn't exist, so thank you.

Bera was truly a blast to write, never having had a character like this before and it was fun as hell to navigate this world with her. She truly is one of a kind OC and I am happy you all loved her. Each time I write I leave a piece of my soul in the characters as I say and I hope it is felt lol.

And most of all I am grateful for the laughs and love I got from the comments, there were two @Captain_Glasses and @emmy1563 that I feel deserve to be mentioned too since they were basically the reason I pumped this story out at the speed I did, wanting to see how they'd react and what they'd do with what I gave them so thank you too ;). I was literally not going to publish the final chapters after Bera jumped down after Finnick to make both of you just scream in despair.

And thank everyone else reading this story of course... I mean you can ask my to tag you in this chapter if you want to be immortalized as having asked that of me to know you were here... Trust me, I am fueled on spite and fan fiction, I will do it, and it is a threat... Try me.

p.s. previous paragraph... Told you I'd do it @FriendsNotFound you distracted reader ;) but yeah for real, thanks for being one of the first readers for this story.

But anyhow, moving on, I'll publish the first chapter of the decided on fic for the Hunger Games, it is the AU-like story for my d 12 OC, sorry dude but I am still going with Persephone/Percy but I'll make you an Artemis oc in the story don't worry. I don't know if today or tomorrow tho. What I know it is that the title will be 'The trackerjacker and the mockingjay' because... Because I like it and technically their personalities and all that. So look out for that if you want to or go check out my other books if they interest you, I have other fics of many fandoms or original books from while I am like writing the 6-7th book of the series for example. I am a wholeass library lmao.

Don't forget I also promised you a book I'd write ocs of the hg fighting each other, one of these days you'll get a Bera Vs Athena thing.

Oh well... Time to close this book and say goodbye to the characters but not forget them for they'll always wait for you here to rediscover them one again.

And so.

One last time.

Thank you for reading this, have a good day or night and let's meet again in another book of mine if so chooses fate.

Signing out.


p.s. Haymitch got the officiate Bera and Enobaria's wedding to 2's dismay.

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