-Bera Helfir-

595 21 12

Two tributes.

There remained two tributes.

"So you have accepted your death, huh?" 2 cockily asked her as the still distraught girl looked at him. He was so close, so close to winning.

She was the only thing in his way.

He rapidly crossed the distance between them, but.

"FUCK!!" He screamed, grabbing his face as he backed up.

He used his sword to look at his face. Top lip sliced through and up his cheek, and another slice higher up and through his nose while also disfiguring him.

"You made quite a mistake," Bera said, taking a deep breath, fighting through her shaking, spinning the trident in her hands while 2 glared at her. 


"I might be." She grabbed the trident with two hands, the head of it pointing at him. "But I am taking you with me."

The fact that only he stood between her and victory was a powerful anesthetic to her terror.

Bera was still scared. She still knew the extent of her injuries and her chances of winning this fight.

But she just needed a lucky blow, and all would be over.

Her current biggest enemy was who gave her the strength to gather her sporadic mind behind one objective and face him down.


She flinched at the swing but met it with the handle of the trident, the sword hitting down between her hands.

She let go of the left side, the trident moving like a lever: the left giving away, the sword sliding towards the left, and the right side swinging forward, whacking him hard in the face.

Sadly, it was not the cutting edge, but she moved her arm more to the left, aligning the end with him and driving it backward, breaking in his nose more.

An injury to the nose causes the eyes to water, and, with already having difficulty seeing in the rain, tears would only worsen it. She was just lucky she had stopped crying by now.

She tried stabbing him, but he threw up the sword and locked it between the trident prongs just as she had done it.

However, unlike her, he used the to drive the end back into her chest and, with the puddles of water and mud covering everything, she fell backward.

The impact on her head stole her vision momentarily as she heard metal clinging on concrete.

She regained her vision in time to roll to the side as the sword was stabbed down where she was and spun her body back, driving a hard kick into his side.

Now, both disarmed momentarily.

Bera pushed up in an almost diving lunge towards the trident, hand-held towards it.

But she was tackled down.

Reaching for a knife, she turned around under her attacker, swinging up, metal sparking against metal as the sword struck down beside her throat.


She slashed upwards, making him bend back and out of the way, lifting off his sitting position just enough for Bera to press her arms in her ground and shove out from underneath him sufficiently to kick him in the chest.

She pulled out her second knife; dual-wielding was never something she did. He only needed to think so.

He looked at her without moving, both slowly standing, before she threw the first knife, which he smacked out of the air with his blade as she ran to the trident.

With a large round swing back, spilling blood as he had gone for yet another high swing, the weapons missing each other and, the trident being just that bit longer, hit its target.

But such fest movements made her head swim and stumble when nothing happened to her.

And so, gathering the last of her strength, she dropped the knife and grabbed the trident with two, thrusting at him.

"Gah!" She groaned a little and looked at the sword, which stabbed clean through her shoulder because of the angle she came at him with and let him do so, but her gaze moved to the trident deep in his chest.

She shoved on her arms, shoving him off the trident.

She fell with him as he dragged the sword down.

She turned her body to loom over him and stabbed at his face.


She panted hard between the flames and rain.

Looking at what was left of this boy.

Looking at what she did.

Her ears were ringing, and slowly, his facial features were almost mixing on his face.

She blinked a few times before her eye rolled back.


She woke up with quite the start.

Almost throwing herself out of the bed with the strength she pushed herself up sitting.

Panting as she looked around, all this white is so ugly.

She looked around, so many little tubes in her arms, feeling like her head was being squeezed in a press when it was just bandages when she felt it.

She looked around, seeing a poster with what she knew to be a complete sentence but found herself unable to actually read what was on it.

She also felt lightheaded and heavy.

Having a hard time to understand anything else then that she was breathing and alive.

She was alive.

Bera was alive.

(p.s. I am turning into a brain scientist here guys.)

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