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"They're gone."

Bera sighed, partially expecting those words when she clicked the home phone off the receiver and put it to her ear.

Well no, she expected something else but still something along that line.

There was only half a day between district 7 and 8 but 8 was closer to the Capitol so she got home first, and so she waited.

And it had barely been half that day that the phone call came in.

She could have warned her, she could have told her, that something was going to happen, that the sword of Damocles was hanging over her head like Enobaria once said for Bera herself.

But what use would it have been? Johanna got to be happy with her last moments of somewhat normal before Snow hit down with his fist instead of playing it over and over in her mind and working herself up even if there was nothing the could be changed.

That was partially why she was written her phone number on her hand the night before.

"They're gone, they were named traitors and they are gone." She didn't hear sniffling or tears in her voice but it was just about, a broken voice, a semblance of control, a thread of shocked hope. "How could they do that to a child?"

"They throw us in the arena, they can do anything if we step out of line."

"But you..."

"I have nothing to lose despite having living people I care for, they are either victors or too useful alive to kill them. I stay in my lane but do what I want in that lane, I know what not to push and what not to do and know if I do them to expect retaliation." She took a deep breath, sitting on the edge of the bed, leaning her elbows on her knees. "Even I can mess up, no one is safe... I killed Jess, it was my actions that caused this, I am not as safe as I make it seem."

"She was just a child... She could have been reaped if they wanted to hurt me..."

"But that would have been too nice, not memorable enough, not marking enough. We were all doomed the moment we stepped into the arena."

"They took everything."

"You are still alive." Bera looked out the window, she gave her number knowing she'd get this call if she did even tho she is not the best at being social. She likes being alone and being the bastard child she has always been instead of playing her drama queen card, but she knew no one else was insane enough to do her things. Not a single person would have offered to help despite knowing what was to come. She even hated that she offered her help but she couldn't help it. "You are still alive and one big fuck you on two legs. There is no one left that you love, they can't hurt you more. Think of that when the pain gets too hard to bare... That you have no one left that you love, no one to worry about, no one to protect, no one to look out for. A free woman that Snow can't hurt, can't use as a pawn, that's how you deal with this pain, you tell yourself lies day and night until they become who you are."

Who was she even talking to anymore? Was the younger victor even listening to her? Had she hung up?

"You cling to your anger and direct it to the Capitol, you hurt them like they hurt you since, what can they even do now? They can't hurt a victor outright just accidentally and you are not weak. You don't have a reputation to uphold, you aren't loved by the Capitol, you aren't demanded by the Capitol, you aren't watched constantly every moment of your life, you aren't in a constant fight against Snow..."

She sighed, she hated thinking too deep about her situation.

"Like always I'll sooth it over... I always smooth it over. As long as I am here I am the star of the show, they only care for how I look, what I do and what I say, they'll leave everyone else alone. And I'll fucking drag myself out there and shine like the damned star that has been branded into my face, smile and laugh, as the willing pawn."

She fucking despised looking in the mirror, she couldn't look at herself, seeing nothing but the victor of the 66th, the pawn.

"So do as you want, you are free, I'll cover, I'll cover for anyone just like I've been asked... All I want in exchange is for you to live like the fucking problem on two legs you are meant to be, to annoy Snow so much that he'll despise me even more... Because one of these days, I promise, he'll get what's coming for him."

Was is Johanna or Bera that needed this phone call? Neither of them knew.

But Johanna had accidentally found someone to understand her more then she thought.

And Bera unwillingly took another young girl under her wing, it is just that this time it is not the victor of the 69th but 71st.

You better watch out as the heat is rising and the snow will melt soon enough.

Shark Plushy (Enobaria X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now