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"That was really stupid Bera."

She smiled despite not truly feeling like it.

"I'd have gone down to the living room if I wanted to be scolded."

"I still don't get how you learned to rip not only the home phone out of the wall but also to rewire it in your room."

"Trust me Enobaria, when I want something, I'll have it."

And no one that knew her doubted her when she claimed that, by now it was not a game of Snow moving his pawns but a game of catering to Bera while seeming to be in control or bring the guillotine on his throat himself.

This little back and forth might not last long.

Bera is in possession to information people wouldn't dare to whisper about and she'll keep her mouth shut as that would be the one info that would get her hated by the victors and then it might spread around.

She didn't need to think long, she is extremely damaging to Snow's ideology and image, she is the misplaced piece without which the construction comes crashing down. Bera knows he'll find a way to get rid of her but doing it in any way currently would get him gutted and so he has only one choice.

Bera would bet the lives of all those in 8 that the 75th will be something to get rid of her, either second a mentor in with a tribute or letting mentors volunteer, maybe that year the Capitol can vote to see the tributes or the mentors enter the arena or maybe it might outright be mentors back in the arena but Bera knew that the quell would come for her throat and would thrash until it gets her.

And telling this to the others would start an avalanche she didn't want.


"Well true, you never went on a date with me."

"You ever persistent fuck. What's with you and trying to get in my pants?"

Bera chuckled, flopped on her bed and staring up, the phone hanging on loose wiring and it might cut out once in a while but it worked.

"You are interesting woman, you have years to realize that. Am I a good enough catch? Come on, you clapped for me before."

"Don't let your ego inflate or you might beat Snow at his own game."

"Trust me, him and I are playing on way more then you ever would know. I could tell you fiction that would be reality in my life but honestly, I didn't call to be called out on my stupidity. My body is still bruises and sore from the temper tantrum of the head peacekeeper."

"Your own damned fault, all of Panem heard off the fire."

"Bah, I don't care but I should have called Cashmere, she wouldn't have scolded me."

"You don't need that girl, she'll tie her ego to yours and you'd fly into the sun."

"And you wouldn't?"

"Why does it always come back to me dating you?"

"What goes around comes around my dear 2, a cycle on loop, a broken CD, the reapings. It comes back as inevitably as a victor is crowned."

"It is a shame that your family has peacekeepers in it, you'd have fit in 2."

"Thanks but 8's my district."

"You fashion divas."

"Nah, that's just me, no one seems to have any sense for it in Panem I swear... So?"

"So, so, always so... Fine, we can do something before the games if you just stop."

"A pleasure." She grinned.


Walking in the darkness of night, through the empty streets of 8, was almost more familiar then her home.

She did grow up on them most of her childhood, it shaped her into the woman she was today.

It also came with sadness as coming out this late was by design to not meet other or as few as possible, not a fan of ever having pity when people knew she'd go to visit a too full family tomb.

That's where Snow made his biggest mistake, making Bera grow a heart, she was a hateful, mocking, disgrace of a child but the little time with this genuine kid made her care atrociously what happened to her district, to the others, to everyone living in Panem.

She snapped out of her thought at the odd disturbance.

The streets were quite dark even with the street lamps, many of them broken for years now and those working so dirty it was dimmed light that was shone down, if any. But of course the clearest of lights fell upon an old phone booth on the corner of the curb.

And the phone rang and rang.

She could clearly hear it through the glass walls in the darkness of the night.

It had no reason to ring, she looked around as if some odd answers would be given to her.

"Not creepy at all." She muttered.

And it kept ringing, even after the seventh tone it didn't stop.

"This is how you get murdered Bera." She said, crossing the street and opening the door of the booth, the ringing instantly getting louder.

She stood there, holding the handle and staring at it.

"You are so getting murdered." She sighed, stepping in as she let the door swing close and grabbed it. "Hello?"

"Act as if nothing was up." Why did Bera have the knack of getting in these situations. "They can't track us but they can here you."

"Oh right, sorry Valerius, I had no idea this could even happen." She answered with an eye roll and leaned against the side, knowing well she was observed and knowing better then to argue with the faceless woman that was talking to her, they probably know what they are doing.

"Good, you have brains." Bera was irked by that.

"Not my fault you think so little of me."

"Now, we are aware, we are everywhere."

"I never knew you had a new hobby Valerius, poetic fucker."

"We are aware of what's been going on. We have people in positions you'd never expect and yet you've been our greatest ally in the resent years. We might be able to bring some change."

"No do not change the lock, I know Jass got out because she had a key but others won't." Why is she so certain she should listen? She is making a fool of herself.

"You are able to influence Panem more then us and right under Snow's nose. You'll bring change even if you want it or not. We want you to keep Snow interested in you so we can move."

"I still don't want the locks changed, I'll do things my way."

"Keep making your under dog victors win, we don't care, we just need Snow's enter attention on you."

"Vale--" Click. "Asshole." They hung up.

Who's this fucking woman demanding things from her? Oh if she could have a coin each time people demanded things from her.

"What the???"

Shark Plushy (Enobaria X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now