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(Have you noticed by now? Bera always acted a bit odd when compared to normal characters or ocs even before her injury... Bera has had sociopathic/psychopathic tendencies and they got exacerbated by her brain fuck up. Not fully duh since you see her express normal behavior at times but if you look at it through sociopathy, more erratic and impulsive, and psychopathy, more manipulative and controlling moments with being able to hurt people with malice, it becomes clear and these traits got stronger with her brain injury, I didn't look too much into it but it takes some prefrontal cortex injury to have a chance of causing either things to maybe happen and she did get that part messed up, plus I just noticed I literally knocked the fear out of her and she hasn't been scared since she was in the arena, only for Jess because it was literally stressing her out so much, obsessive need for her to win and when she died... I will never stop rehashing this, comparing Snow and Bera's danger levels she wins by unanimous vote just by how rational controlled and erratic bastard she can be to get what she wants)

She let the doc do their job to fix her up, just being bored... Bored is her default emotion it seemed: bored or bastard, pick your poison.

Bera scratched her cheek, these wounds would be a bother but it was worth it, even if they fix him up, Brutus will not face the cameras any time soon.

But Snow is not winning this fight, he can bring him back, she'll just put him underground to be out of her way.

Tho the quarter quell is approaching, what? In like... Euh, 72nd today, three years, Snow will find a way to get ride of her by then.

She has been relying on previous knowledge until now... She'll ask Valerius to pick up weapons again and keep training her, that's the best choice currently as even this was hard.

Bera's arms were in pain from her own movements, her muscle not liking this, she needs to retrain them and get stronger or it would be a bother.

(What's with me and writing characters with afflictions I literally don't know how to live with? I have a fully psychopathic original story character that has synesthesia for emotions and a sort of face blindness, I have a character that is literally void of anything, literally no innate knowledge or emotions. I have an android that learns to be human, I have Bera, I have Athena, I have a woman that is actually a dragon and she didn't know lose her parents that are ghosts in a tree that's blasted to bits and a reader of mine comments about how they knew what this character feels because it is exactly what they felt when their father and brother died while I have never ever felt any thing any of these characters did in their hardships of conditions, hell I have a blind woman character in an apocalypse that is correctly written and I am not... I must be magical, that's my only explanation.)

At least Brutus learned his lesson this time, each time he'd bother Bera he'll be sent high up on a cloud of morphling to not feel the pain of it.


"Now you are just fucking with me!" Bera exclaimed.

She had long left the doctor's office to wander, bored and her tributes were dead so she didn't need to sleep around and get touchy to get them stuff. At least it was a short death, one of the straight out of the bloodbath, didn't make it out. The second ate those damned berries, didn't she tell them to test things before eating them? Oh well.

But that was not what was bothering her currently.

She had made her way out of the tribute center, taking the key card like always, not even asking if she could, they wouldn't dare to stop her and if they did she had her ways of getting it.

She walked around, watching these people live a normal life while the districts got to suffer with what was their normal, and they still have horrible fashion here despite what Bera did to reform it, it looked like an octopus stuck to your skull ma'am!

She just wanted to rip these abominations to shreds but knew better, it would be too much trouble to deal with and cover up, she'll just please herself with making sure V was dressed normally and tastefully.

But even that was not what was bothering her.

She had made her way down in town, through the somewhat ugly architecture, and here she was, leaning against a phonebooth as she watched the clouds... But the world was like 'nope, no relaxation, bad, bad Bera!' and it oh so magically started to ring.

This time tho she ripped the door open and brought the handset to her ear.

"Fuck off will yah?"

"You've been doing a good job."

"Good, suck my ego then, Enobaria says it is huge so gag on it." She slammed the handset down... Waiting... More waiting... And picked it up when they called back.

"you are a useful asset, with your work we have been able to acquire more information with Snow's eyes on you."

"I take that back, suck and choke on your own ego." She hit her fit in the glass wall, a Capitol woman looking at the odd angry woman in the sound insulated booth before walking on. "I am getting nothing out of it, I am a willing pawn because I win with Snow."

"Patience, we'll meet soon if our preparations keep up to the same level as currently."

"I don't wanna meet you phone woman, I want answers."

"There are things preparing, things worth fighting for and we'll need you on our side."

"Well tell me what it is when I am needed, leave me alone for the rest of the time." She hung up but before she could open the door it rang again, taking the handset with a groan. "What?!"

She heard someone clearing their voice, it wasn't the woman, a deeper male voice.

"Fuck you too."

"Hey!!" But they had hung up before she could say anything.

She looked at the beeping handset and hung it in place.

"If I had a coin each time... I'd have two... Two! This happened twice! Two coins!" She left the booth while holding up two finger to herself an ranting about twos.

2s have been her personal torture today it seems.

At least there was a 2 that she liked, that 2 could stay... THE OTHERS COULD FUCK OFF AND LEAVE HER ALONE!!

"Two my ass."

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