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Screams of pain.

The gnashing of teeth.

Writhing of masses.

The fetid air.

The Smell of blood.

The agony of pain.

And Bera's death grip on Finnick's wrist.

She had a had time even wording what had happened after she threw herself head first down the shaft, hoping to catch him and hoping the others would catch her in turn.

Now she was dangling her, both hands around his wrist in such a strong grip his hand was going bright red from pressure, her left leg hooked around her spear and her right hanging around her left's foot and squeezing to not lose strength in the hold.

As she tried to grab Finnick, she had thrown her spear up between her legs with the button pressed and the bar had formed into its length, embedding itself in both sides of the wall with such a strength that not even the combined weight of Finnick, Bera and the main mutt clinging to it would had budged it. (I originally wanted her to jump down legs first and hold the spear in one hand and only one hand on Finnick but she'd have never caught him like that.


Groaning as the shock on her body was hard, Finnick pulling her downward while the spear pulled upward, placing hurting that she never thought could help.

A swing of his trident knocked the mutt off his back but others latched onto his legs, screams and the sound of flesh tearing.

"Aaaah!!" They were pulling downward, trying to wrench this man from her hold but Bera's might be impaired because of her which was actually why she could still hold on, the grips on her gloves making it impossible for Finnick to slip out of her hands.

But the pulling, her arms would be ripped from their sockets.

"Do something if you don't want two dead victors!!" She screamed up.

She let go with one hand, feeling her shoulder pop but still having feeling in her fingers, reaching up for her knives, putting on between her teeth and grabbing two others.

"You are too heavy!!" Garlic had  climbed down, bracing on ladder and the wall, grabbing her arm to help pull while Pollux held his other arm. "Too much weight to lift him!!"

She hissed, throwing them down at the things, trying to make them let go, grabbing the third from between her teeth and hitting another.

She grabbed a fourth, looking at it, explosive.


The girl didn't think, obeying the order after Bera had thrown her own, the smaller explosion overpowered by the one from the arrow, freeing Finnick long enough to Garlic and her efforts were worth it.

She let the men pull him up as she grabbed the spear with her hands before moving one to grab the ladder and getting up, folding the spear out of the wall and putting it on her waist to not lose it as she knew it was not yet done.

"Blow up the tunnel!! They'll climb up!!" Potato seemed to use the holo for that. The explosion it caused was massive, shaking the tunnel and destroying most of the room bellow.

"We need to move!"

"Get up people!"

"Shit." She looked at Finnick, his left foot was chewed off and his right was missing to his knee, he seemed to be in shock as he is no longer screaming but still conscious and and bleeding fast.

Bera hurried to grab him, thrown over her shoulder with her elbow hooked around his remaining knee and holding his arm with the same hand. Garlic and Pollux were both trying to carry him between them and it would have been just too slow and they weren't thinking. Let her do it, it will be fucking fast.

Sprinting down the rest of the tunnel that opened into a blindingly white area that made Bera blink, the lights hurting her eye and making her blink tears away.

Sprinting down the rest of the tunnel that opened into a blindingly white area that made Bera blink, the lights hurting her eye and making her blink tears away

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(This but with her arm more in front of her with the elbow around the leg)

They exited into what looked like an underground train station, Bera almost sliding over as Peacekeepers were spotted and she was forced to hide behind a pillar as they opened fire on them.

The white tiles being blasted off the pillar's surface with so much force that she felt it through the pillar, each impact.

Sweat was dripping down her face, her shoulder felt compromised in a way, her knee hurt because of the weight it held up and feeling tremble in her arms from the strength behind the grab she had had. This improvised Finnick save was not something her body liked, pulled on the already tired joints, the aching tendons, the done ligament and muscles. She might even have opened a wound from the weird movement she did as she if having trouble catching her breath too, never seeming to breath deep enough along with sudden an acute chest pain... No, she doesn't have the time for that, she first needs to survive this shitshow.

Potato shot off another explosive arrow at them as all took off in sprint, Cressida leading them for some reason but Bera didn't care.

That was until a light made a 'wwwwwomp' sound and disintegrated a man in a blast of light while bullets came from behind them.

And nothing could be done but to sprint.

Lights blasting the ground around them until suddenly it started to break up and almost fell in, tumbling on her front with Finnick's weight on her chest, coughing her lung out even as she started to run again towards the stairs.

Cressida hurried them through side streets and bushes, knocking with all her might on the door of a building and it opened.

Running in... Finally... It was over.

She only loosely recognized Tiggris, having seen her as a stylist but she doesn't remember her district. She didn't really care, ripping an outfit of a mannequin as she laid Finnick down on his back a bit harshly, ripping the outfit up and trying to make a tourniquet before he bled out after surviving this long.

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