-Cat Evergarden-

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(funny thing is that I am watching this video.)

(1 hour video of a guy telling us every single thing we know about each district... Tell me why its only now that I learn Enobaria was the one to kill Cecelia in the 75th by ripping her throat out with her teeth? Or how district 8 rebelled on the night Katniss and Peeta fake proposed, before the games, and got bombed that night too? And still suffered more bombings after? I reeeeaaaally chose the right district for Bera to be in huh? Since she is already causing them to be acting out even now.)

Let's just say Snow didn't bother her with Brutus again the year after but the man popped up once again for the 74th.

And oddly enough, this seemed like the most rigged reaping out of all.

Watching the recap.

1, 2 and 4 have really strong contenders for the title of victors just by looking at them, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 tho? Nope, extremely young tributes for each off the districts, 7 is 7, every kid there can swing an axe so she'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

But 12 was the highlight here.

Bera thinks they messed up the reaping there for the male, it was younger boy, 16 if she (and I) remember correctly, and they showed the job title of all tributes like always and his was baker, they probably expected a weak boy but he had some muscle of sorts.

Tho the mistake with the female tribute also came from the tribute they decided on, this little Primis Evergarden of whatever her name was a good choice, another extremely young tribute to die instantly... But to be from 12 and care so much that you would volunteer... There must be something going on here.

Not a single person, no matter how much they love someone, would volunteer unless they have tricks up their sleeves... Right? Bera wouldn't be able to tell.

She had almost switched off this year, taking a break from mentoring before the quell next year, she still isn't that sure what Snow might cook up but she is sure it will include her.

But then again...

A grin came over her face.

Could she make another thorn out of this volunteer?


No... The answer is fucking no!

The girl has more trust issues then Bera high on Adderall.

So much so that Bera was calling her Cat because that's all she remembers from her name, she just wanted to talk to her and she got sneered at like a fluffed up angry ball of cat furry.

"I mean... At least she has a bite." She told Haymitch which got a laugh out of him as she watched the stylists take the tributes away... Well not her's, they were waiting for her.

"Yah don't say? The sweetheart has issues, she almost stabbed my hand."

"Well you are worth stabbing."

"Thanks Bera... Thanks."

"I might be the Capitol's beloved, but I am the victors' bastard, what did you expect old man?"

"Nothing anymore."

"Well... Talk to you later, I need to prepare for a fashion show."


"Who cloned me?"


Enobaria gave the most 'Are you high?' look she could muster up to look at Bera.

"What? Look at them, ain't no way their stylist did that shit."

It was true, 12 with those flaming black leather suits stealing the thunder away from 8 and her golden and red outfits.

"Bera you told me you don't drink."

"I don't."

"Then why are you stupid?"

She shrugged, sticking her tongue out.

She was a bit mad at the good outfits but she'll say nice things if asked at a party, she'll say something along the lines of being so happy more people are working out beautiful clothing and yada yada yada, she'll make that shit up as she goes.


"I really don't like your tribute Haymitch." Bera calmly said from her spot next to Haymitch in the viewing point for the victors, looking at him straight in the eyes... And at the arrow sticking out of the wall quite close to her face.

She had no idea how Cat did this... The target is like... Several feet lower on the wall, a lot of several feets... But at least she can shoot a bow, someone that never held a bow would not even be able to shot at their own foot let alone almost free Snow from Bera's looming presence.

"She is special alright." Haymitch watched Bera put her finger on the back of the arrow and bent it down before letting go, the thing rattling in the was as it sprang back into its original pose.

"I do hope for you that she survives... Snow would hate her."

"Stop making victors that Snow doesn't like."

"Make me."

She pulled the arrow out of the wall, at least two inches in the wall so she had strength behind that shot and that requires this shot too have been deliberate.

Bera is having beef with a tribute as of this moment.

"I take back what I said... Let her rot in a bog."

She twirled the arrow in her fingers, maybe the shot was not meant at her, maybe this girl was trying to cause a scandal and delay the start of the games, she doesn't know what her game plan is but Bera being Bera was... more then ready to drop kick a child. 

Be careful Cat Evergarden before you get a target painted on you by the likes of a woman you do not want as you enemy.

(She is so goddamn feral.)

(fun fact: It is hard to avoid saying god and hell for insults because the books say that they don't recognize religion stuff and I found it a good idea to outright not use these words in any of the HG fics.)

Shark Plushy (Enobaria X F.OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora