It started (Gaea's version)

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It took them two hours to reach the docks in Alameda. Compared to Ivy's last few months, the trip was easy.

Despite the scent of 4 and very powerful demigods, no monsters attacked. And nobody looked at her like she was a homeless wild child, which was a really big upgrade.

Frank had stored his spear, bow, and quiver in a long bag made for skis. Hazel's cavalry sword was wrapped in a bedroll slung on her back. And since Ivy and Percy's weapons looked like normal things, their group basically looked like normal high schoolers on their way to an overnight trip.

They walked to Rockridge Station, bought their tickets with mortal money, and hopped on the BART train.

They got off in Oakland. They had to walk through some rough neighborhoods, but nobody bothered them. When ever the local gang members came close enough to look in  either Ivy or Percy's eyes, they quickly veered away. That Lupa wolf-stare training had really paid off.

After ripping monsters apart and decapitating gorgons, Ivy wasn't scared of gangs. And she had a vague feeling that she had already been on the streets even before Lupa. Especially after stealing cars came a little too easy for a first timer.

In the late afternoon, they made it to the Alameda docks. Dozens of boats were moored at the docks — everything from fifty-foot yachts to ten-foot fishing boats.

"Urn... you guys know what we're looking for?" Percy asked.

Hazel and Frank shook their heads.

"I didn't even know we had a navy." Hazel sounded as if she wished there wasn't one.

"Oh..." Frank pointed. "You don't think...?"

At the end of the dock was a tiny boat, like a dinghy, covered in a purple tarp.

Embroidered in faded gold along the canvas was S.P.Q.R.

Percy's confidence wavered. "No way."

He uncovered the boat and worked on the knots with perfect skill. Under the tarp was an old steel rowboat with no oars and no paint.

On the bow, the name Pax was still readable, lettered in gold. Painted eyes drooped sadly at the water level, as if the boat were about to fall asleep.

On board were two benches, some steel wool, an old cooler, and a mound of frayed rope with one end tied to the mooring. At the bottom of the boat, aplastic bag and two empty Coke cans floated in several inches of scummy water.

"Behold," Frank said. "The mighty Roman navy."

"Are you kidding me? That's barely even a boat." Ivy sighed. "Can't we just steal a yacht and get it over with?"

"No, we can't. But there's got to be a mistake," Hazel said. "This is a piece of junk."

Octavian was probably laughing at them right now. Ivy was going to kill him next time she saw him.

Percy jumped aboard and started to work. Guess that was a no on the stealing a yatch suggestion. Depressing.

When he was done, the boat was clean. Percy pointed at the rope, and it untied itself from the dock.

"This'll do," he said. "Hop in."

Ivy sighed and did as told. Hazel and Frank looked a little stunned, but they climbed aboard after her. The girl seemed especially nervous.

When they had settled on the seats, Percy concentrated, and the boat slipped away from the dock.

'Juno was right, you know' The sleepy voice of Gaea whispered in Ivy's mind, startling her. 'You could have chosen a new life in the city. You would have been safe from me there. Now it's too late. You chose pain and misery. You're part of my plan, now— my important little pawn. You'll end up on my side'

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