Prophecies suck

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Chiron had insisted they had a night of sleep before discussing the labyrinth, so the campers all parted on their ways.

After Ivy promised them she would go to the infirmary, which she obviously was lying about, her half brothers also left, telling her they would go back to their cabin after they finished doing something first.

Ivy was about to head back to her cabin to clean her wound by herself and rest, but a tug on her hand stopped her.

Annabeth's grip was firm as she stared at her. "Where do you think you are going? You need to get that healed. Let's go to my cabin, I'll fix it up there"

Annabeth knew she had always hated going to the infirmary, usually taking care of any wound by herself or by asking for the Athena girl's help.

"As you wish, blondie" She joked despite being actually glad the girl had volunteered. "But we should go to my cabin better. Yours is probably going to be filled with your siblings"

Annabeth agreed and they both made their way towards cabin 12.

They entered and Ivy was quickly ordered to sit on the counter of her bathroom as her friend gathered the needed supplies.

"Lower your legs" The blonde said because of how Ivy was sitting half leg crossed with one knee to her chest.

"So bossy" She mused, but still did as told.

"Lift your shirt" Her friend said, approaching to stand right between her legs, something Ivy was more than aware of. She silently hoped Annabeth couldn't tell how flustered she was actually feeling.

"Woah Annie, if that's what you wanted you could've just asked" She smiled to herself when she saw the slightest blush spread through Annabeth's cheeks.

"Oh shut up. It's easier to clean it and pour nectar on it that way" She said. "Well, unless you want to bleed out here, sunshine."

Ivy just chuckled as she complied, watching her friend wince at the sight of the open gash running through her abdomen.

"It isn't as bad as it looks, don't worry."

Annabeth didn't look convinced, but she still got on with the work. She cleaned the blood and poured nectar on it, making the injured girl wince as she quickly muttered and apology.

Ivy couldn't take her eyes off her, admiring how calm and careful she was as she worked.

Annabeth started on the bandaging, and a tingling sensation went through her body every time her friend's gentle hands touched her.

She snapped our of her daze when she heard the girl calling her name.

"Oh, um, sorry. You done, doctor?" Ivy asked as she tried to hold down her own blush at realizing she had been staring.

Annabeth's face was really close to her's, but like really close, and the pink on her face signalized she was very aware of it too.

"Yeah. Luckily the nectar did it's job perfectly. You're almost not even going to notice it by tomorrow morning"

"Well, we can't give all the credit to the nectar right?" Ivy told her and leaned a little closer, not really sure why, she just felt drawn to do so.

The blonde had always been like a magnet constantly pulling her in, maybe she was just growing tired of fighting against it.

"Of course not, I'd say I did most of the job." Annabeth said, also shuffling closer, though it would have been almost impossible to notice if it weren't for how closely Ivy was looking at her.

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