12. Medical tests

Start from the beginning

I check the time on my wrist. 2:35. It was almost time for my appointment. I rolled my eyes and reluctantly stopped what I was doing.

I gathered my tools and kept them in the shed. I dusted off my hands and made my way back to the house.

I went to my room and quickly got ready. I put on a simple white dress and brushed my hair. While I was styling my hair, a loud bang interrupted me.

"Hurry the fuck up Isadora," his impatient voice called. I rolled my eyes, but kept up with my pace.

Once I was done, I grabbed my bag and the medical report. He had asked me to come with them and I wondered why.

I reached the bottom staircase found him standing by the door, a look of irritation on his face.

"Finally," he muttered as I approached him.

As we made our way out, Alvaro emerged from the dining room. "Where are you two going, father?" he asked with a curious expression.

At the sound of his voice, Pablo released his tight grip on my hand and held me gently. He turned to Alvaro and flashed a forced smile. For a moment, I mistook his countenance for nervousness.

"We're going to see a doctor," Pablo replied, his voice taking on a tone that didn't match his usual confidence.

Alvaro raised a perfectly arched brow, clearly curious by the answer. His eyes flicked back to me, and I could see the gears turning in his head. Before he could throw his next question, Gabriele stepped in.

"Alvaro, mamá needs you, it's important," he exclaimed, his excitement evident as he tugged on his wrist.

Alvaro nodded, but turned back to glance at us with a blank expression in his eyes.

His blank gaze wasn't what fazed me, what bothered me was Pablo's reaction. But what caught my attention the most was the sudden shift in Pablo's demeanor. He was usually confident and arrogant, but now, he looked anxious and almost scared. I observed him keenly, trying to figure out what could have caused this reaction.

I had noticed that there was some tension between Alvaro and his father. I couldn't help but wonder about the strange father-son relationship. There had to be something deeper going on between them, and I was determined to find out.

Our journey to the hospital was quite a lengthy one. Apparently, he chose a gynecologist out of town for my appointment, and I knew the reason why he did that. I shook my head with a sly smile. If anything, I was more confident that I wouldn't get exposed.

We finally arrived at the hospital and the driver got the door for us. Pablo wrapped his arm around my waist and led me inside, his grip possessive and protective. I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as we walked through the crowded waiting room.

I could feel the stares of judgment upon us, their disapproving glances burning holes into my skin. I wanted to shrink away, to hide from their prying eyes. But I forced myself to hold my head high, to not show any weakness or vulnerability.

It wasn't easy though. They saw me, a young girl with an older man, and they automatically assumed the worst. They probably thought I was a gold digger, a slut who had trapped an innocent man into marriage.

I could feel the stares of judgment and disbelief from the people around us, and it made my blood boil.

Why did society assume that every young woman with an older man was a gold digger or a slut? What about those of them who genuinely fall in love?

I gritted my teeth, trying to ignore their stares. It didn't faze me, but what did bother me was the fact that Pablo was too close to me, acting all possessive and protective. It irritated the hell out of me.

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