my voice cracked a couple times as my nervousness increased by his sentence. he was right.. I was nervous. that too when I'm telling him about the need of his presence in the conference room

but he was wrong at the point when he said that I am wanting him to be there-

well, I am but.. not the way he thinks-

his voice starting to make out loud noises of laughs snapped me out of my thoughts

I was in my thoughts for a bit too long

"w-why are you laughing?"

he dropped his hand back to his side again that he used to prevent laughing and looked back at me

"the way you went so in details being nervous-"

my cheeks burned in embarrassment as he resumed expressing his feelings

"why are you so hesitant?"

he fixed himself and faced me


"what did you think I was talking about?" his face expressed that he was still recovering from laughing

"I-I-" how was I supposed to tell him that straight forward?

"because I know well that I was talking about me going there to check things like you said-" he took a sudden pause

"or did you think I meant something else?" he had teasing smile on

what is actually wrong with him?

I tried to answer him but what as i supposed to say!?

"you actually don't need to answer me" he says while turning his shoes to leave his office

I blink before snapping back to my senses and pace up to match his steps


the door of the conference room opens and we meet with the scene of grey painted walls, long tables, uncountable leather chairs and.. Jimin

a question mark added at the end of his name in Jungkook's perspective

he isn't expecting him to be here but I am

"Mr. Jeon" Jimin got up from the chair he was sitting in and bowed towards Jungkook in respect

"what are you doing here?" Jungkook asks while Jimin steals a small glance at me before focusing on answering his boss's question

"Mr. Kim told me to wait for something but he didn't come yet.." he takes a few steps forward before talking again

"I'll go and see where he is-"

"no!" Jimin flinched at my raised voice. Jungkook turned to his side, his questioning what the hell is wrong with me

I gulped and cleared my throat

"I-I mean, I'll go check on Taehyung" I stuttered and turned back to pace towards the door

I can't let any one of them leave. everything is going according to plan. After I open the door and leave the place, the door will be shut for the third time

first time when Jimin entered

second time when me and Jungkook did

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now