"Thank you," she blushed.

"Jess has a car waiting for us outside, we should head down," I told the group. We got into the elevator when my phone rang, Erica's name popping up on my screen. I answered it, making sure everyone was in the picture.

She gasped when the camera blinked on, "You guys look so pretty. I wish I was there." She pouted. Erica had work early in the morning and couldn't make it in time if she were here with us.

"We wish you were here too," Lyss sighed. "We're heading to the car now."

"Oh okay," Erica squeaked, her wavy hair pin straight. "I'll talk to you guys later. Have fun!"

The door dinged open and we stepped off into the lobby, gold painted walls and chandeliers hung off the high ceilings. We made it out the door, and a sleek black car, just as Jess said, waited for us.

Alyssa slid into the front seat while we sat in the back. The car began moving and Alyssa immediately began talking to the driver who made no indication that he was listening. I passed Thalia a look, she shrugged her shoulders with a smile. Her eyes floated to the window, her attention drawn to the pictures that quickly passed us by.

The car came to a stop finally and we were outside the vicinity. A red carpet was rolled out and photographers stood behind the black rope, limiting them to the outskirts. Alyssa was the first one out, her confidence broke the scale the way she owned the floor and dragged the paparazzi's attention to her.

Thalia went out next, her shy demeanor showing as she walked down the pathway. I trailed after her, not expecting anyone to pay much attention to me.

Surprisingly my name was called out from the crowd, "Jade Silvia are you dating Jess Gates?"

"You were spotted having lunch with him last month, are you two in love?"

"Did he come back to America to see you?"

Questions about Jess and I sprung out of nowhere. I kept my face straight until I was inside, the disgust finally showing on my features. No way in hell would I ever be in love with Jess. He is like a brother to me.

I felt Alyssa's hand on my arm, rubbing the warm skin. "Don't mind them, they just want a story to gossip about," she assured me.

We walked farther into the large room, a runway lay in the center of the room and seating surrounded the stage. Celebrities and fashion industry professionals filled the room, their laughter and chatter creating a rich buzz.

The show doesn't start for another 30 minutes. Alyssa sized up the room, straightening her shoulders, she blew out a breath. "Time to find some new clients," she left us with an easy smile. "I'll see you when the show starts."

"Want to get a drink?" I looked over to Thalia.

"Yeah. I could use one."

We glided over to the bar tucked in the corner of the room and ordered our drinks. Thalia collected her drink and took a sip. Her eyes looked over my shoulder and her cheeks turned pink, her mouth parting.

I raised an eyebrow, about to open my mouth when I felt a tap on my shoulder.


"Hi Jess," I turned around. "Nice party you got going here."

"It's not a party, it's a fashion line premiere," his grin dropped. "Being a girl I thought you'd know the difference but what can I expect you didn't even pick out your own dress. Alyssa did, didn't she," he lifted his glass of whiskey to his lips.

"Ow, touchy," I placed a hand on my chest, feigning hurt. "Sorry," a sympathetic look spread on my face.

He rolled his eyes and shook his head. His attention floated over to Thalia. She had been standing behind me, watching our interaction. His eyebrows shot up at the new face.

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