Chapter 20: Swell

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I glared at the spoon heading my way, Valerie gripped the spoon of soup glaring back, keeping my mouth shut I jerk away, toward Elias who sharpened a knife in the corner stared right into my soul, "Are you going to eat or what?" Valerie growled, arching my brow in a taunting way she rolled her eyes and got up from kneeling.

"What's so special about her why are we giving her the whole princess treatment" She shouted slamming the bowl of soup beside the small table next to Elias.

This is the so-called princess treatment? Being tied to a chair for what's feels like decades, my body in such pain and in a cold cave?!

My gut is telling me not do anything stupid that the boys will find me, but slowly I feel myself failing, I can't move a finger without hissing, I feel cold-sated and it's for sure been days.

They'll find me I know it, I hate myself for thinking Damian will come soon, that he'll scoop me up like a princess and carry me out himself.

Hell, the motherfucker would probably tell me to walk myself out.

"She's not our victim Valerie!" Elias shouted, surprisingly she stayed silent and glanced back at me, her gaze darker and I knew she wanted to kill me as much as I wish myself death at the moment.

"Whatever Isis can deal with her" I watched as Valerie stormed out of the room, and my eyes darted toward the metal door-

Before she could slam the door shut, I noticed a long hallway, a long dark hallway with stairs....

Am I in the basement? What kind of fucking basement is this? My eyes dart back toward Elias who grasped the bowl of soup and stalked in my direction.

My body tensed as he kneeled and gripped the spoon, tight "You have to eat" He suddenly spoke with his dark seductive accent.

"I'm not hungry" I dryly said, it was a lie and he knew it, I am fucking starving I want that soup much as I want out, but what if it's poison? Does he really think I'm that fucking stupid?

A slight smile tugged his lips before he dropped the spoon back Into the bowl, "How many days has it been?" I asked, surprisingly nicely.

"Three" three days?! Why haven't they found me already? Did he take me somewhere untraceable? God are we in the middle of the woods?

"Dear old husband hasn't arrived? Wonder why?" He smirked, rolling my eyes I glared at him, swallowing my gaze darting toward his posture, he looked very...never mind.

"I need to pee" I sighed, I've been holding my bladder for the last day, and I'm not surprised I don't have a bladder infection by the time I leave.

"Hold it" He spoke through gritted teeth before sitting up, "I have for two fucking days!" I shouted getting irritated, but instantly lower my voice as the pain of my stomach aches, he sighed glancing back at me, putting the bowl of soup down. Getting on his one knee he views my facial expression.

His gaze softened as if he could read me like a book, I was being genuine, and I do really have to pee "Do you want me to piss myself and get an infection instead?" I rolled my eyes with a taunting frown.

He narrows his eyes and surprisingly starts untying my legs, I groan as he tugs on the harsh rope and tosses it aside, "I'm trusting you again if you try anything-"
"You'll kill me" I finished, for him, he nodded, giving me a slight smile before untying my wrists.

Hissing I feel the relief of my wrist feeling air, trembling I try sitting up-

But suddenly my feet fail to keep me steady, nearly falling on my side, Elias catches me grasping me by my arms.

I glance up at him my chest heaving up and down from my body ache, his touch burnt into my skin, and the warmth in my stomach grows as he helps me stay steady.

Wrapping my arm around his waist he held me by the hip, "I can' legs are tired" I glanced catching him already staring, Fuck, he mouths-

Gasping I suddenly feel his arm swing beneath my thigh, I grasp him by the neck as he leads me toward the metal door, his warmth feels like a blanket lying over me, and his touch is gentle yet rough.

Is he trying not to hurt me? Does he feel bad for me? Why is he...helping me? I gazed into his side profile while his natural porker face stood. Slamming the metal door open he leads me up the steps, a wooden door is at the top of the stairs, as he heads up, he gestures for me to open it for him, I do-

My eyes widen in fear, wooden walls, floors, and windows, my eyes dart outside...we were in the middle of the woods, I fucking knew it.

No wonder the boys can't find me, how far are we from Detriot? the sound of music playing in the distance makes me wonder.

After making it to the bathroom, Elias slowly puts me down, I grip the sink keeping me up, when I realize, he hasn't left the room, "Privacy?" I asked, he chuckled smiling at me, "I'm not leaving you alone Muñeca" Of course, rolling my eyes I carefully step toward the toilet, when I saw him turn his back to me.

Oh, what a gentleman.

Sitting down I pull my pants down and glared at my wrists and ankles, I'm bruising, I need my medication before I need to go to the goddamn ER, I used too much strength in my legs yesterday, not only do my wrist swell but half my body, including those goddamn ropes tied around me were no help, "Do you have any body pain pills?" I stammered with my words flushing the toilet I cleaned myself and sat up "For what"

Sighing I nervously tap his shoulder afraid the guy would have a blade to face me, but he turns around realizing I'm done "For my ass hole it's been throbbing since I got here" I rolled my eyes.

"I could help with that" he licked his bottom, and my eyes followed the motion, he revealed his dimples, Rolling my eyes I tried maintaining eye contact, but his smile dropped after he noticed I was trying to tell him something, I never thought I would be talking about my issue to my goddamn kidnapper.

But he did open up about Valerie, I could at least do the same, "I suffer from Carpal tunnel syndrome...If I use too much of my strength or force in my body it begins to bruise, swell and become a pain in the ass"

Surprisingly he was listening, his gaze turned soft again, I've noticed how he doesn't care to hide it, his hazel eyes becoming lighter than they normally are, "I need my pills it'll help with the pain" A beat of silence passed between us, and I knew I probably fucked up by requesting shit-

"I'll send Valerie to pick them up, but I'll be in the room when you take them..." He suddenly became quiet, his gaze tracing my bruises on my sore legs, "for now your taking the bed"

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