Chapter 14: Fire

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I paced up and down the living room checking the window blinds to see if I could catch two motorcycles in the parking lot, but nothing, Damian's meeting ended ten minutes ago and he promised Landon and Dawson were allowed inside WITH Damian, Asher, Dean, and Davin in the room yes. Four grown huge men watching over me, how lucky I am.

That should say a lot, about how dangerous Landon and Dawson are known to be "Sit down Rubia they'll be here any moment by now" Asher sighed, glancing back at him he blinked at me, "I didn't know you knew Spanish" And he said it perfectly too.

"I'm German and Mexican amor, weird combination I know" He rolled his eyes heading toward the alcohol drawers, meanwhile Damian and Dean spoke quietly while Davin stared at me like a hawk and Callum...

Oh god, Callum..."That's not your good side" I taunt, he dramatically gasps and glances up at me dropping his phone where he was currently taking selfies, "Take that back bitch!" I smile trying to maintain my laugh as he closed the gap between us.

"Would I look better as a man?" I asked folding my arms across my chest, he blinked thinning his lips, "I'll take it back if you take it back deal?" I arched a brow holding my pinky out for him, "You never go back from a pinky promise Celeste" He said as if we were about to agree to go to war.

"I Pinky Promise"

He takes in a deep breath taking a step back as he glances back at Davin for reassurance, Davin nods and Callum glances back at me, "I take back for saying you would look better as a man" he wraps his pinky over mine, and we held it tight for dear life, "I take back for saying that wasn't your good side" We then nod and slowly release from our grip.

"God you two are embarrassing" Callum and I rolled our eyes toward Davin who sighed, "Ignoe him kids he's just a buzzkill" Asher winked smiling at us, "Dont worry Davin one day I'll break that wall you keep up" I coo.

He rolls his eyes mouthing what I just said before they suddenly all jerk up to look at me, the sound of two loud motorcycles and cheering causes my heart to go up into flames.

Smiling I dart toward the window and glance outside.

"Oh my god" Landon and Dawson bro hugged before removing their helmets and making their way toward the front door, running in my heels I run past the men and rush toward the front door, "Celeste wait!" Damian shouts behind me, overhearing four men's stomps behind my steps I ignore them and freeze as I watch one of the butlers open the two wide doors for them.

"I didn't kill a fucking kid" I overhear Landon hiss once the door are wide open, my smile drops and I feel the boys behind me tense, "Then who fucking did I know I didn't! I was busy killing the fucked up parents meanwhile you were too busy kicking the father's fucking head like a game of soccer ball-" Landon smacks Dawson in the stomach causing him to groan and face us, blinking I stood in silence, watching as his Dawson's blonde ass turned around and had a wide smile, "Oh hi" he waved innocently meanwhile the four men behind me breathed down my neck.

"I didn't kill a fucking kid" Landon reassured me, giving me that look, the look of please don't chase me with a chancla.

He's lucky there are four men behind me if I were to throw my heel at him these idiots would think I meant it, rolling my eyes I smile and run into their arms.

They huff a breath while I wrap my arms around both their necks, they don't hesitate to hug me back tighter in their matching leather jackets.

"We missed you too, Bella" Dawson groaned patting my back, I giggle and release them when I suddenly notice a hot tear of happiness rolling down my cheek.

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