Chapter 4: Obeyed

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"Dean, Dean Henley" Nodding, I lick my lips nervously, "Celeste, Dolores" 
"Cely, right?" Another nod, "I've heard a lot of great things about you," Hm will you look at that, the first nice person I've met so far, "Now that Adira is gone, Damian sent me to announce your first dance" First dance? "He couldn't come himself" My gaze turns into a glare.

And Dean smiles, "Damian is an asshole, just a fact, but don't judge him too quick"
"Why so? He's given me multiple reasons to be a bitch back" He chuckles and sits straight, "You are a match made in heaven" Before I could respond he sat up and started pacing out of the living room, leaving me and the bitch face I was about to show him alone with other strangers.

As I was about to make my way up the stairs, Damian met me halfway, "Finally where have you been" he suddenly grasped my hand, tugging it tightly as we made our way back downstairs, all eyes finally on us, and me...

As if they had no clue who I was until he showed me off, can't deny it and say I'm not quite offended "Well I'm sorry your friends are weirdos" He sighed, wrapping an arm around my waist as he led me toward the dance floor.

Right, our first dance, I have no idea what we're dancing to, either way, I don't give a shit I'll embarrass him on purpose, once we make it in front of the dance floor he forces me to face him, he grabs my hand raising it in the air while his free hand sat on my waist, forcing me forward I tumble near his chest.

Giving him a death stare I place my free hand on his shoulder when a sudden French song starts playing, Our feet move to the rhythm, and following him I try matching his footsteps, the burning of his hand on my back causing me to forget the world around me.

His gaze was directly on mine when I noticed a slightly different expression I couldn't quite catch, keeping my glare I faced the crowd, all mesmerized watching our every move- when suddenly once the beat dropped Damian's pace grew quicker, swallowing I followed.

His grip on my hand tightens as he twirls me around, and catches me before I can faint from how fast I just spun on my feet, his gaze back on mine, and as the second beat drops, our dance is in sync, circling the dance floor he suddenly grasps my thigh on the third beat, gripping it tight he leans me down forcing me to keep my leg over his hip.

Catching my breath as if I'm on a roller coaster I keep still when he aggressively lifts me back up, my hair flips behind my back and I taunt him by tracing my free hand on his shoulder down his arm, he did that on purpose just to rile me up, I should do the same.

He is lucky I know how to dance, I was forced to take dancing lessons since I was a goddamn toddler, but this guy? Damian is a freaking coach, if I were to make one mistake he would make it look like a masterpiece, no wonder he didn't tell me about this stupid dance.

He knew I wasn't going to fuck up in his hands, releasing my thigh he circles the ballroom again, holding my breath my chest heaved up and down, I've never done this fast footwork before, and I know he's doing it on purpose to test me.

Fine, fucker you want to play games? Let's play games, taunting him I try leaving the dance floor, but he quickly grasps my hand and twirls me into his chest, I gasp as he's mere inches away, his hot breath hitting my nose and our chests heaved up and down from our heartbeats.

Giving me a death glare he leaned me down once more, his hand on the back of my neck gripping tightly I could hiss, and his other hand around my back, I glared him back once the song ended.

He has a perfect opportunity to drop me, but surprisingly he doesn't, he gently raises me to my feet, and the tension between us is too difficult to breathe.

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