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I woke up to a huge throbbing pain my cheek, I went to touch it with my hand but winced at the sharp pain that was brought when my fingers came in contact with the throbbing gash on my face. I looked at the hand to see white stuff which I could asume was pus. I grabbed my backpack opening it and digging around for my water, I found it and sat it in between my knees putting the bag back down.

The sound of ripping could be heard from miles away as a tore the bottom of my shirt off making it cropped. I dampened the spare piece of fabric and wrapped it around half of my face, going over my nose and around the back of my head. I tied it off tightly at the side of my head and took a swig of the water before putting it back in my bag.

The makeshift bandage certainty wasn't comfortable but I knew if I wanted to stop anymore germs getting into my bloodstream i'd have to keep it on. I began to pack up my bed, taking the sleeping bag out from on top of me and shoving it back into the bag. Then I carefully untied the rope, wrapped it back up and shoved it into the bag as well.

I made sure to take the backpack and my weapons off before I took the rope down. I strapped my swords on my back and then the backpack before tying my knives back around my waist. I slowly got up from my straddling position around the branch and made my way down the tree slowly.

Many more splinters and grazes later I was at the bottom of the tree. I hopped down dusting off any bark that had fell on me. I adjusted my outfit and my new crop top before making my way around. I was for sure ready to end this today.

The sound of the cannon startled me as I was making my way down the mountain. I fiddled with the straps on my bag as I came closer and closer to the cornucopia. My face was really starting to bother me and so was the bruise on my back.

My back didn't bother me to much but it still hurt if I twisted or blended in the wrong direction. I knew before the day started I was going to have to find something to stop the growing hunger in my stomach. I switched my direction once I was quite a way down the mountain and began heading towards the small beach I discovered the other day.

I walked pasted the same temple with the unforgettable blood stains that brought back horrible memories and down the steep hill behind it. I found myself standing at the edge of the sand ready to forget all my worries about the games. The beach was my safe spot. It brought back so many memories of me playing in the water with my little sister. I hope I can go back to her.

I walked over and stuck all of my things on the ground by the shore but not close enough to get wet. I took one of my swords out of the case and made my way into the water, the bottom of my cargos getting absolutely soaked. I spent good half an hour hunting for fish and other small sea creatures at the bottom in the sand. I ended up with a small meal which I was able to eat raw.

I dug out the small old rolls which I had stuffed in the front pocket of the backpack. I sat down annoying my meal and water which made me one hundred percent read for whatever was to take place.

It took me about another half an hour to have finished my meal and ready to go. I stood up clipping up everything like the usual and began to make my way towards the cornucopia. I made my way through the trees and suddenly stopped behind one when I heard the sound of grunting and screaming.

I peaked around the corner of the tree seeing if the coast was clear and slowly made my way towards the tree line to see what was happening by the cornucopia.

To my surprise I saw Mila and Blake fighting and rolling on top of one another, they both had pretty nasty cuts. This is it, I thought. I un clipped my backpack leaving by the tree and I stayed hidden. Mila was on top of Blake at this point. I watched as she stabbed the side of his stomach making him pour with blood.

I took one of my throwing knives out of my belt and threw one at Mila from afar. It hit her arm and she rolled off of him in pain. I ran over to Blake and knelt beside him. It was another tragic death as the cannon blasted and his dead eyes looked up to the sky.

I peacefully closed his eyes but remembered where I was when a knife went flying past my face. "You bitch you killed Atlas, and look at what the fuck you did to my nose" She pointed at her nose before taking out a machete from her belt. Shit.

I started running away from her as she started to throw knives from her own belt, one of them came past cut open my left arm tearing the clothes as my running slowed down from the pain in my back. She managed to catch up to me and tackle me.

She landed on my left arm breaking it as I let out the loudest scream I've ever let out this game. Instead of killing me she flips me over and starts punching me, I think she broke my nose because my makeshift bandage was on the floor and the was blood spilling out of my nose and mouth.

With just about the rest of the strength I had in me I flipped us over pinning her down in the same way as I pinned Atlas. "Aww poor Mila gonna die the same way her district partner did, you see my face. Your gonna pay for that" I begin to punch her in the same way she punched me.I could only hit her with my right arm as she broke my left.

I managed to break her nose, split her lip, give her two black eyes and maybe even cracking one of her ribs as she struggled to breath under me, but she still managed to flip us over to which she could fully breath again. Except this time she didn't continue hitting me she instead started running.

It caught me off guard as I had expected her to kill me right then and there even though I wouldn't let it happen. I got up giving her a head start as of my arms was broken making it hard to get up. I clutched my bleeding broken arm to my chest and began to throw knives at her with my right arm. How the roles have changed.

Most of my knives have missed due to her running so fast it seems almost impossible to hit her. My back begins to give up as i'm on my last knife. I swing it back with all of the power left in me and let it fly through the forest landing on the back of her calf making a nice home deep in it. I wouldn't be surprised if it hit her bone,

She tumbled over with a ear piercing scream at the sudden pain in her leg no longer being able to stand up on it and tried to crawl away as my back finally gave up and I came toppling down next to her. She was crying out of pain still trying to crawl away. I grabbed onto the knife in her calf before she got too far away and began to twist it.

She let out even more screams which almost popped my eardrums as I snatched the knife out causing blood to spill out. I kept stabbing it into her leg as she tried to turn around to stop me but my grip on her being too strong to move her leg as she suffered on the cold and damp floor.

I took a the knife and cut down her calf the maroon colored blood staining her dark yellow cargos. She tried to let out another ear piercing scream but from the amount she was already screaming her voice began to die along with her body.

I managed to stand up with one hand letting the knife go and stay in her unmovable leg. She again tried to walk away as I took one of my swords out, I slowly walked towards her and I stood on her back. I began to act like I was okay and my back wasn't about to make me fall at any moment.

"Well well well, I guess poor little Mila time has come to an end"

"Please don't kill me im sorry" She was sobbing and I almost felt kind of bad for her. But I knew this was the end if I want to go home.

"This is for Cindy" I stabbed the sword through her lower back as she screamed a week scream and more blood began to poor out of her back as she began to slowly loose consciousness due to blood loss.

"and this is for Blake" I took the sword out of her back and lightly dragged it up her back before stabbing it through her head. I left it there as I heard the cannon go of, and her body become frozen. I collapsed to the floor when the speakers in the arena began to echo through the arena once again.

"And the winner of the sixty sixth hunger games, Alexa Wixx"

I began to slowly loose consciousness with my right arm laying limp on the floor and the left broken, the sword still in Milas head and the other one still in the case on my back. A tear slid down my cheek as the pain became too much for me and I became unconscious.


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The Sixty Sixth Hunger Games - Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now