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Alexa was getting ready for the reaping as the only one in her family of three who was the right age to be put in. Her mother stood behind her at the dining table brushing her blonde hair into a nice low ponytail. She put on her light green dress that matched her light blue eyes as she did for the last 2 years and put her beaten-up boots on ready to leave.

"Mom I'm scared what if I'm chosen this year" I sniffled trying not to wipe the light makeup that my mother applied this morning off.

"You will do just fine sweetheart, just like the last two years, you won't get picked" She pulled me into a brief hug as she followed me out the door and onto the street.

"I hope so" We slowly walked with each other my little sister Annabel on my other side walking me to the reaping. "I'll see you for dinner then Mom" I hugged her and then bent down to give Annabel one too. "You too Bels"

I was the only one who called her Bels not even Mom called her Bels, it was our thing.

"Bye honey see you later" I turned around to see them waving at me to which I returned the favor.

I continued walking to get into one of the lines preparing myself for the small pinch I was about to feel in my finger. I walked up to the front of the line and held my hand out for the lady. She pricked my finger and stuck it on the piece of paper so my DNA was left with her, and I continued walking.

I found a spot with some girls my age as we stood facing the stage where our escort Ruby Solace was waiting for everyone to be settled.

"Welcome everyone to our annual sixty-sixth Hunger Games, may the odds be ever in your favour. As usual ladies first." She strutted her entirely blue outfit over to a round bowl like a fish bowl filled with folded-up pieces of paper.

"Our female tribute this year is. Alexa Wixx" I swear I felt my heart stop beating for a second as I heard the one name I didn't want to be called. Get called.

I made my way out of the row of girls and began walking down the path and onto the stage. I stood next to Ruby but made sure to keep some distance between us. I was so shocked I couldn't even cry I just stood there staring at the floor.

I didn't even realize but Ruby had already picked the male tribute. "Our male tribute this year is. Blake Mayfield" I watched a boy maybe 17 walk down the path and up to the other side of the stage where I stood.

"Give a round of applause for our tributes this year" No one clapped instead they all put up three fingers to show respect for us. "May the games be ever in your favour" and with that a group of peacekeepers shoved us through the door behind Ruby.

They walked us down a dimly lit hallway and shoved into two separate rooms slamming the doors behind us.


"LEXI" I heard someone shout my name as I turned my head to see who it was I saw my little sister, I immediately got up from the couch I was sitting on and let her jump on to me.

"Bels I promise I'll win this for you, I'll win this for us. I'm not going anywhere" I held my hand on the back of her head as her head lay in the crook of my neck. "And when I come back we are gonna go live in Victor Beach and have all the food we want and I'll even get you some toys"

I let go of her and she let go of me to face me with tears building up in both of our eyes.

"Promise you won't leave me"

"I promise" I stood up straight so I could hug my mom. "I won't be gone too long" I hugged her so tight I swear I almost broke her ribs.

"It's ok I believe you I'll see you again soon" She let go and I made sure to get my last goodbyes in before peacekeepers barged in and started dragging me to the train not even letting me walk properly.

When I got on the train I went to the main room where I saw everyone sitting.

Ruby Solace
Blake Mayfield

Who I believe to be our 2 mentors were Beatrice Silcock who won the sixtieth Hunger Games and another boy who I didn't quite recognize but I think his name was Finnick Odair. He won the games just last year at the age of 14, the same age as me.

I went and took the only seat left which was next to him around the dining table where everyone sat.

"Nice of you to join the Alexa shall we discuss the opening ceremony" Ruby suggested looking at Blake and me but neither of us moved. Instead, we just sat there looking either at the table or out the window. Neither of us was in a talking mood.

"Alright then I guess we can talk more later" She didn't try and budge us but just left us alone as she knew we didn't wanna talk about it right now.

I got up from my chair and left. Despite people trying to tell me to sit back down I just went to the back of the train where a big window stood. I went and sat down on one of the lounge chairs by the window.

I sat there for a good hour before I heard a faint knock on the doorframe. I looked back to see Finnick standing there. He didn't say anything instead he just came and sat down on the chair next to me looking out the same window.

"Did you need something?" I said with almost no emotion. Not even turning to face him.

"You know I think you can win, I didn't think I would have won last year but I managed to pull it off of the same age as you"I turned to look at him to see he was already looking at me with a strange smirk on his face.

"You think I could win," I said sounding shocked, I meant I was shocked I didn't expect anyone to say this to me, let alone him, and I've never even spoken to him.

"Yeah, I can talk you through the same strategy I used to help you through it and I could train you every night if not every day and night" He sounded genuine like I could trust him with my life. Well, I would be trusting him with my life after all.

"That sounds nice. Sure why not" I gave him a small smile before the train came to a stop and we had arrived at the capitol.


Ok so like.
I don't know what strategy he used in the games
And I'm too lazy to google it n shit
So ima just make one up

First every chapter done
This ain't my first book
I just deleted a lot of failed experiments
So I hope this one succeeds

Yours truly 😙

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