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gore 🤗

I had been sitting in the cornucopia for about an hour resting my back and playing with my bruised knuckles. I did at one point go outside and retrieve my knife from the dead girls back as more blood started to spill from the loss of the knife acting as a plug to stop the blood from draining.

I wiped the knife clean with a rag I found in one of the bags on the shelves, and stuck it back into my belt. I decided to leave my stuff here and come back later when it turns dark. I got up brushing the dirt off of me and putting my swords back onto my back. I took a small throwing knife out and in my hand just in case someone tries something.

Another cannon blast echoed through the arena signaling another fallen tribute, I slowly made my way out of the cornucopia and into the forest on the mountain. Just as I reached the tree line I heard some rustling in the bushes near me. I quickly got out another knife and became very aware of my surroundings.

I turned to face where the noise came from, I slowly approached the bush that the noise came from. There was another rustle of the bush and the sound of snapping behind me made me quickly turn on my heels to see who was there.

As I spun around no one was there, I decided just to head to the left away from both of the strange noises. As I was passing one of the trees someone pounced on me. There he was.

I was quickly tackled to the ground by Atlas. I landed on my side with his heavy weight on top of me. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Id have a pretty bad shoulder injury. He flipped me over so I got to take a good look at him on my bruised back. His machete was ready to stab into my side but I was quickly. I took one of the throwing knives in my hand and wriggled it out from under his leg.

I shoved it into the side of his stomach making him wail. I flipped us over so I was on top of him this time, but in the process his machete cute into the side of my cheek leave a deep gash but not deep enough to have a hole in my mouth. My knee stood on his wrist making him un able to use his machete anymore as my blood began to drop on him.

"MILA" he cried out but no one was close enough to hear "MILA" he called again, I shoved my knife through the side of his throat it coming out the other side, cutting off his ability to scream. I watched as he slowly became weaker underneath me, his cries slow down and his limp body lays beneath me. There was endless amounts of blood pouring out either side of his neck.

The cannon blasted, four more tributes to go. I could actually win this. I quickly retrieved my knife from the side of his neck and stood up shaking the blood off of it. I shoved it back in my belt and continued walking. I wouldn't want to see Mila right now would I.

I made my way towards the cornucopia holding a leaf I found on a tree up to the gash on the side of my face. As I continued walking back the sound of another cannon blasted. I smiled, every time that cannon goes of, it's music to my ears. I didn't care, I just wanted to get out alive at this point.

I had made my way back to the cornucopia, to my surprise, both of the girls bodies had disappeared. I turned the corner and headed inside to gather all my things up for the night. I packed a bag with a rope, sleeping bag, and some food. I also grabbed an empty water bottle as I was dying of thirst.

I flung the backpack onto my back clipping it in front of my waist again. I took the clear water bottle in my hand and began trying to find somewhere to sleep and somewhere that has water. I was trying to decide between two spots. Should I climb a tree, or hide in a temple. I thought to myself.

I travelled up to one of the temples mid way up the mountain looking for some fresh water to fill my water bottle up with. To my luck there was a fresh fountain sitting inside of the small temple. The temple had no spare rooms just the main room that held the fountain.

I unscrewed the bottle and held it up to the fresh water filling it up. Once it filled up to the top I took a massive drink almost chugging the whole thing, I finished drinking and filled it back up the top for later, I crouched down unzipping my bag and shoving the water inside.

I zipped it back up swinging it back on my back and clipping it. I continued on to find where I was going to spend the night, I was still debating the temples or trees or maybe even back to that cave. Although the cave wasn't really an option with my hand which has scabbed on the top but still healing on the inside.

I was quick to decide and started climbing up high in the mountain looking for a tree to bunk in, although unfortunately for me I was climbing too high. The oxygen slowed down making it harder for me to breath. I took that as a sign that I was too high up and decided to head back down.

I stopped a little while after I could breath properly and picked a good sturdy tree to try and spend the night in. I climbed up the tree getting many splinters in my hand and having to leave my leaf on the ground. I managed to reach a high and thick enough branch to settle on.

I avoided looking down as the feeling of falling brought shivers down my back. I sat against the main part of the tree straddling the part underneath me as I looked for the rope I must of hidden deeply in my bag. I managed to find it and carefully pull it out of my bag trying not to drop any of the other contents.

I managed to swing the rope around the base of the tree crossing over my chest and under the branch I was sitting on securing me in case I fell of in the night. Before I tied it off tightly I pull out the sleeping bag I stuffed into my bag and unzipped it making it a big blanket. I shoved it under the ropes over my lap neatly before I tied them of securing me tightly to the tree.

The sky quickly faded into yet another beautiful fake sunset, I rummaged through my bag trying to find the cut cream only to realize it was in my bag that I lost in the water. I zipped it back up and clipped it onto the rope along with my swords and knives so they wouldn't fall in the middle of the night.

I tried to sleep just as night hit but was rudely interrupted by the sickening sound of music echoing in the arena. It was the same anthem that had played the last three nights, I opened my eyes up though to see who had fallen today.

Fallen Tributes

One Female
Brandi Levine

Five Male
Waylon Cromwell

'He was the one that saved me'

Six Female
Odette Marley

Nine Female
Ceres Stoll

Ten Male
Adan Verlice

Ten Female
Alkina Adler

Eleven Male
Atlas Huxley

The music faded out after flashing a quick 'four tributes remaining' knowing I made it to the final four gave me hope, but thinking about what i've done quickly crushes it. I eventually dose of into the most uncomfortable sleep with my back being crushed against the hard wood had done nothing to help heal it. I was just thankful I wasn't dead by now.

or is it 😏

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The Sixty Sixth Hunger Games - Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now