Esme Morgan X Y/N~Made This For You~

Start from the beginning

Hempo- You better not.

"What's your favourite colour, or colours" she asked, making it sound casual.

I'm gonna kill her.

I gave her a death glare, she smirked and tried to hold in her laugh.

"Uh, i've got three, mainly for Barça, royal blue, red and a hint of gold, a mix of two of my favourite kits" Y/n replied. I held in my thoughts, mainly wanting to shout at Hempo, but that wasn't possible right now.

"Oh nice. mine's light blue, for City, of course" Hempo replied causally as we entered the dining hall.

"Cool" Y/n replied before walking away to the table where all the food was being served.

"You're dead, Hempo" I whispered and shoved her slightly.

"You asked me too" Lauren said, shrugging her shoulders, "Yeah, I did, but NOT when I'M THERE" I whisper shouted.

"Oh well, now you know" she said smugly before walking away to the dining table, I followed on slowly behind, still feeling my face burn bright red.

I grabbed my food and made my way over to a table and sat quietly as I ate my food.

Once i'd finished my food, I made my way back to my room whilst most of the girls went to the relaxing room, some also went to their rooms too. I got in and immediately got to work on this bracelet for Y/n.

Blue, red, gold.

Blue, red, gold.

Blue, red, gold. I kept repeating it in my head.

I get the colours out and quickly get to work with making the bracelet, taking my time with it, to make sure it was perfect for Y/n.

Y/n's POV

I feel like a right fat fucker after dinner and I ended up going into the relaxation room with most of the girls who were also feeling like myself after such a good meal. But it wasn't relaxing for long, so I quietly made an exit and out the back door, which led onto one of the many beautiful beaches here in Australia.

I walked down the beach a little before settling down on the sand, watching the waves come in and the sun fall slowly, it was perfect, everything here is just perfect. Here in Australia, with all of my best mates, at a World Cup, everything is just perfect.

Esme's POV

After about 45 minutes, I managed to finish Y/n's bracelet, which has come out looking perfect, I made sure to take my time with it and ensure it was the best that it could be for her.

Now I just need to go and find her, I saw her go into the relaxation room earlier, so that's my first thought of place to go to, to try and find her.

I leave my room, holding the bracelet carefully and tightly in my hand as I set off down the corridors of our hotel, and eventually, I make it into the room, to see most of the girls either half asleep or fully asleep, Lucy and Keira are on the Xbox, Millie, Rachel and Mearps are making tiktok's in the corner and G is going around trying to wind people up, just the usual day for us.

But I can't see Y/n anywhere in the room. I scan the room once more before being definitive that Y/n wasn't here.

I turned around, and just as I was about to leave, I'm greeted with a grinning Hempo, I jumped from the sudden appearance of her.

"Jesus christ, Hempo"

"She's outside"

"Huh- what"

"Y/n, she's out on the beach, that's why you're here, to give her that" Hempo replied with a cheeky grin.

"Great- yeah, thanks- thanks Hempo" I replied quickly before turning back around and heading out the double doors that led to the beach.

Eventually, I reached the sand, and the sight infront of me was truly breathtaking, Australia is beautiful. I look around the long beach before eventually finding someone in the far-ish distance sat on the sand, watching the sunset.

I slowly make my way over and as I get closer, it becomes more and more clear that it's Y/n, in her pink lionesses tops with the blue shorts, same as what I have on, yeah it's definitely her.

I got relatively close when Y/n turned around, she must have heard me coming.

"Oh, Hey Es" Y/n said casually, but it still made me melt.

"Heya, Y/n, you okay?" I asked as I took a seat on the sand next to her.

"Yeah, i'm good, a lot more peaceful out here, what about you?"

"Yeah, yeah- i'm okay"

"Good, didn't fancy being in there with the zoo animals?" Y/n said with a chuckle, I laughed with her and shook my head, "No, no, it's definitely a lot more peaceful out here" I replied, looking at her with a smile.

We sat in a nice silence for a moment, except the only sound that could be heard was the waves coming in as the sun was setting.

"Y/n, I uh, I was making- so, I was making all the girls bracelets yeah?" I said, stopping halfway through, getting nervous, "Mm, yeah, I seen you give some of the girls them, they're really good Es" Y/n replied, I smiled at her comment.

"Well thanks, and I uh, well- I made this for you" I said, holding out my hand that I had the bracelet in.

Y/n's POV

"Awe Es, thank you. Really, this is wicked, wow" Blue, red and Gold, Barça kit colours, I smiled, instantly, I thought of our little conversation with Hempo earlier.

"Thanks Es, really, this is class" I said gratefully.

"You're welcome, i'm glad you like it" Esme replied sweetly.

"Barça kit colours ay? you remembered earlier" I said with a light laugh, she looked at me grinning.

"Well- um, yeah, well, actually, I- I may have asked Hempo to ask you what your favourite colours were so I could, could make it" Esme replied nervously, I was grinning like a little kid.

"Ohhh- I thought it was a bit random from Hempo, but then again, it's Hempo" I said with a laugh, and Esme laughed too, "Yeah, I- well, yeah" she stumbled.

"Thanks Es" I said as I gave her a short side hug.

"You're welcome, Y/n"

something short-ish and sweet 🫶🏼

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