rematch with radiations

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It was another beautiful day in one of many forests of remnant. The birds were chirping, the flowers were blooming. On days like this, how can anything go wrong?

Then all of a sudden, a massive beam of light slashes through parts of the forest, causing a massive explosion wherever it touches. Another massive beam of light slashes through almost all of the tree, cutting them from their ruts and sending them filing to the air. Then another massive beam of light goes through more of the forest. More and more beams of light appeared and slashed through the forest, destroying all that hid in it.

Who would destroy such a beautiful sight?

Well surprisingly this time, it wasn't the doing of (y/n), but his girlfriend Elira pendora.

She was in the middle of the forest, rubbles and chopped off trees surrounded her due to her doing. She had chopped the tree down with his semblance so she could have an easier time catching her targets that were trying to catch her by surprise.

Her targets being radiated grimms that produce radiation which obviously could be dangerous to be left alive. Especially if they sense negative emotions and go to a city where they could give people cancer.

So in other worlds, literally cancer that walks.

So both (y/n) and Elira were tasked with dealing with this cancer walking beast so as to prevent them from literally spreading cancer.

The two of them were separated so they spread out more and killed more radiated grimm faster as they were spread out. They were deadly and were much stronger than regular grimm but with the knowledge of (y/n) and the mighty power of the sun that was Elira, these things were nothing but pebbles to them.

Right now, Elira was in one of the forests where high radiation was detected, which meant there was a group of radiated grimms there that were resting, so Elira went there to kill them off before they could spread more of their radiation. One of the radiated grimm charged up to Elira, claws out ready to slash her. Elira raised her finger at it and shot a light beam at it, immediately on contact the radiated grimm disintegrated. Another one ran up behind her but Elira pointed her finger behind her back, shooting another light beam at it, disintegrating it as well. A much bigger one came out of the woods charging at Elira with its sharp claws. When it raised its paws to slash Elira, she punched through its stomach, revealing her hand on the back side of the giant radiated grimm. Another radiated grimm came charging at her behind the bigger radiated grimm, but she pointed her finger at the radiated grimm, shooting a light beam at it, disintegrating the radiated grimm behind the bigger radiated grimm. So took out her hand out the stomach of the bigger radiated grimm that was in front of her. Then she raised her finger at the bigger radiated grimm, releasing another light beam at it, disintegrating. Then two more radiated grimm full charged at her, one in her front and the other beside her. The front one aimed her head, swinging sharp claws at her but she ducked under it, then the one beside her slash it claws near her stomach but she moved to the side to dodge it. She pointed her finger at the one behind her, shooting another beam of light, disintegrating it, then pointed her finger at the other one as well, disintegrating it as well. One more jumped behind her, trying to catch her off guard. But Elira raised her elbow and hit the radiated grimm in the stomach with her elbow, with her back turned on it. Lifting her hand, she pointed her finger at the radiated grimm. Shooting one more beam of light, disintegrating.

Seemingly, that was the last from what Elira can tell. There doesn't seem to be any more coming towards her so she must have annihilated all of the radiated grimms that inhabited the area.

Elira: Wow, I feel pretty good now. Getting a good stretch for today.

She spoke to herself. She looked around her surroundings, looking at the tree that she cut down with her light beam and the destruction she caused as well.

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