hanging out with my only friend

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(y/n) was sleeping in his bed. It was night time and he was sleeping for tomorrow. What he doesn't notice is that mof is making some "upgrades" on himself. He took some of (y/n)'s tools and he was putting some "defense" mechanism on him for "self defense" .

Time skip

It was another day for (y/n) and his new best friend. They did what most best friends do. They went out, played games, and went shopping. (y/n) really likes mof. Mof accepts him for who he is. Though many people hate mof, he doesn't care. They're all just mad that he's finally happy. All they ever wanted to see is him failing and nothing else. But that will never happen and mof is never leaving him.

Right now, (y/n) and mof were playing (y/n)'s favorite game. So far they were having fun and were enjoying their time together. After playing the game for over a few hours, they finally finished the game.

(y/n): finally we finish this long ass game.

Mof: and it's all thanks to you.

(y/n): thanks mof. Now what do we do?

Mof: we can go shopping again.

(y/n): I don't feel like doing that again.

Mof: we can watch more movies.

(y/n): we watch all the movies at the movie theater including all the good streaming services. Including the shitty movies.

Mof: So what do you want to do?

(y/n): I don't know.

There was silence for a bit as they both didn't know what to do now. They did all the basic things that friends do and now they were bored out of their mind.

(y/n): I heard there is a carnival happening in a city. Do you want to go there to hang out with each other?

Mof: That's an amazing idea.

(y/n): great! Let's go now.

(y/n) put on his jacket and then they left. They were walking around in the hallways and the other students looked at (y/n) and mof with hate.

Student 1: great, now there's two freaks.

Student 2: why hasn't anyone got rid of it yet?

Student 3: he's such a creep that he had to make another one to have a friend.

Student 4: how pathetic do you have to be that you have to make a machine that will always love you?

Student 5: really pathice.

Student 6: can't we just get Gary to get rid of it?

While (y/n) and mof were passing by everyone single one of them. Mof was scanning them all for their personal data, information, and weakness for later use.

(y/n): don't worry about it mof. They're just mad that I'm finally happy.

Mof: that i can agree on.

After more people were shit talking about them. They finally arrived at the courtyard and waited for their ship to arrive so they could go to the carnival. Why didn't (y/n) just use his portal gun? Because he wanted to spend as much time with mof as possible.

Time skip

They were finally at the carnival. There were many things they could do there. Like playing games that were obviously rigged. Ride roller coasters that look like they are about to fall at any moment. Win a crappy prize that they could have just bought online at a cheap price. The sky's the limit.

(y/n): alright mof. It's time we have a montage!

Mof then played some music

They went on many rides. They went on the rollercoaster that looked like it was about to fall and kill everyone who was riding it at any moment. Then they rode bumper cars and bumped against everyone and pissed off a lot of parents. Then they went on the swing ride. Some then throw up on (y/n) but his force field saved him but then the throw up went on mof. Then they went on the carousel which was basically the lamest ride ever to be made but (y/n) and mof still had fun on it.

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