a Christmas special

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a/n (hey it me again. Sorry for not updating this for a while again. But hopefully next year will be different. Before we start, I just want to let you guys know I'm happy that you enjoyed my stories even though they're decent at best and even though I'm still new to writing. So I'm glad you still find joy in them. When next year comes, I'm hoping that my writing might become a little bit better, or at least my stories as well. So next year I do have some ideas so look out for those. And other than that, enjoy this Christmas special chapter.)

It was a cold and dim of light as the clouds covered the skies, raining down tiny snowflakes for the people living under them. The people sang their carols and the bells rang and rang for all to hear, bringing smiles to all. Family and friends laughed and enjoyed each other's company of one another. Kids running through the snow and sliding on them with their snow slay. The smell of gingerbread consumed all houses as they baked in everyone's oven. Snowballs thrown into the air as kids threw them, hoping to hit their target. Parents running in every store they could find, hoping to find the present that their kid wanted but not able to because everything is basically sold out and they did not think of a head of time since they thought they had all the time in the world to do so.

Truly the Christmas spirit spread to all.

Bringing joy to everyone.

Everyone except a particular person.

Our story begins at an academy called Beacon academy, a place where young adults may die. Questionable safety aside, this is where our future generations of hunters reside, training to become stronger for any threat that may come. But on this day, on this day of the year, no training is being done as everyone is either spending time with their friends or leaving to go meet with their family for the holidays. For a certain group of people, their friends were family so they decided to gather into one big room to celebrate the holidays. All of team Lazulight, Obsydia, ethyria, Luxiem, noctyx, luna, exsoleil, TTT, myth, advent, JNPR, and Tempus. All of them in one big room to celebrate the holiday together as a family.

Almost everyone was sitting down at the large table, nice and fancy food that looked tasty sat on the table, presenting themself for everyone to see. Food that was acutely edible since certain people were banned from the kitchen for the sake of everyone in the room not getting food poisoning.

Kotoka: I still don't know why I can't help the others in making the Christmas dinner.

She complained to her other teammates.

Meloco: bitch you use expired food and tools to make your food!

She screamed back at her, remembering making food with her and how it got worse every second.

Kotoka: and you ate it and was fine!

She argued back.

Meloco: That's not the point!

She screamed back at her, while this was going on. Gura was strapped to her chair as her teammate kept her on chains to prevent her from eating all the food on the table before everyone else could eat. Though this didn't stop her from trying to eat the food early. Her teammate stayed distracted as they talked to one another, taking the chance she slightly scooted her chair near the table to hopefully get close enough to have a small nibble from the meal that sat tight in front of her. The closer she had gotten, the stronger that great and lavish that the food produced. It drove her insane, just thinking about the food in her mouth made her drool obsessively. Her animal instinct was getting the best of her, telling her to break free from her prison and eat all the food that sat right in front of her. She could already imagine it, just devouring all of it just for herself.

She got closer and closer, almost reaching her goal and feeding her hunger. She was an inch away from the food she so desired, only to be stopped by someone pulling her back with a chain, like an owner pulling back their dog with a leash. The owner being Amelia.

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