Ren's home planet

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a/n (if (y/n) had a theme song, what song would it be?)

Hey it's me, (y/n) K̶a̶n̶p̶e̶k̶i̶ Coeus. It's been a while again hasn't it. Well when you're in the situation I'm in, it can be busy. But for those who don't remember what kind of person I am, I'll remind you.

I'm an asshole.

Well used to be, well still kind of am. Okay maybe I am still an asshole.

Alright I am an asshole.

But i'm trying to change that, i'm trying to be a better person to remnant and the rest of existence but turns out, being nice is harder than being an asshole. Well only because of the things that I have done. Let's try to go through the list of things I have done.

Genocide on a cosmic scale.

Arson on a plane of existence scale

Arms trafficking

Murder on upper beings

Messing with the timeline on multiple occasions

agent provocateur on a multiverse scale

Kidnapping of higher gods

Terrorism on heaven and hell

The murdering of an archangel

The murdering of multiple elder gods

Destroying mother nature and her creations

Cheating death a whole lot

Illegal experiments

The creation of multiple monsters

Causing disorder in the council

making medieval civilizations from another planet that once worship the council into a class 10 civilizations that wasn't ever supposed to reach at which caused them to stop worshiping the counsel and started to worship me instead which pissed off the guardian of civilization so much that she tried to kill me but only for me to trap her inside a book so she could make me bedtime stories only for me to read. I would have kidnapped the sandman, but that leads me to my two other crimes.

The kidnapping of a council member

And the murder of the sandman which a lot of gods hated me for

Those were only a few of them, if I were to go over all of them we would be here all day.

So to say I have a record would be an understatement, I am the record. So because of this, a lot of people hate me, especially the gods and those above them and those above them as well. But I'm not worried about them. What I'm worried about are my friends' friends and my girlfriend's friends.

Yep, turns out I can make friends too and a girlfriend. Trust me, I didn't think that was possible either.

You see, the planet I'm on is called Remnant and I go to this anime school called Beacon academy and all you need to know is that everyone at Beacon Academy hates me for a lot of reasons with only the headmaster willing to tolerate my bullshit. Especially my girlfriend at first, her name is Elira. She was basically my biggest hater at Beacon academy but it was until we started to understand each other that we fell in love. That was a good thing for me, it felt like my life was turning around but the bad thing was my brother had a crush on her and when he found out that she fell in love with me, we got into a fight which i won. Which more people hated me for because everyone at beacon academy loved my brother Gary. but that wasn't important to me, what was trying to get my friends' friends and my girlfriend's friend to like me.

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