12. Ya Busted!

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Art and I got busy making babies in and out of the shower as he cried on and off. I tried to keep him distracted but I'm sure he kept thinking about that damn paperwork that I was enthusiastically trying to make him forget about for the moment.

Subsequently, he came all over me, and I returned the favor. Anyway, we had to take a second shower. Art was sleepy so he got out first as I took the opportunity to mentally schedule tomorrow's work day.

I step out of the bathroom still drying my hair with a towel, expecting to find my husband naked and waiting to sheath my cock for the night.

Was that too much to hope for?
That I could fall asleep inside my Art?

Yes...yes it was.
I read the kid two stories. He was dry, he was fed, but most importantly he was fast the fuck asleep.

So.. why the hell is he wide afucking wake on Art's chest getting another bedtime story?

I clear my throat and they both look up from the open storybook.

"How did we get here? No...how did he get up here? He was snug, as a bug in a rug. Please tell me you didn't lie about being sleepy, just to creep your ass down the stairs and wake him up."

"I didn't." He says with a shrug.

"DaddadAda..dadada." Junior replies as if he's snitching and Art gasps.

"At least, one of you is honest." I sigh as I walk over to my dresser to dress.

"Oh come on now. I didn't get to tell him a story."

"Yeah, that's why I read him two so he wouldn't miss it."

"I'm his father too, of course he missed it."

I slip my shirt on and frown at him.

His expression is defiant, "He wasn't even that asleep. I peeked over the crib and his eyes opened. You must have not done the voices."

I roll my eyes, " I did do the voices. Our son was fast asleep when I left. I don't believe you."

Art sighs, "Fine. I hugged him a little and he woke up."

"How many times do I have to tell you, bedtime is 100% Fiat Senior time? Should I have a sign printed?"

"No." He replies pouting his lips.
"I thought you were done with me. You knocked it out of the park 3 times."

I scoff, "I didn't know I was on the clock. Silly me, I was hoping we could cuddle. Guess, I ran out of time." I perform before plopping down onto the ottoman to put my socks on.

He scoffs and I lift my gaze to find him frowning,

"What?" I ask innocently.

"You ridiculous man. Now who's the dramatic one? Do not act like you don't get quality time with me. I quit my job just to follow you around most of the day. Don't you ever get sick of me?"

My mouth drops open as I stand to my feet, "Is this you trying to tell me you're sick of me?!" I counter and he bursts into giggles.

His laugh...is actually infectious cause within seconds Junior is laughing his little butt off as well. There is no keeping a straight face after that and my façade cracks like eggshell. 

I know when I'm beaten so I climb into bed beside them and lay my head on Art's shoulder.

He giggles a bit more before kissing me on-top of my head and then also kissing Junior on his curls. He clears his throat as he looks for the spot he left off.

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