3. Unwelcome Back-

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"That was amazing." Mint squeals after we finally get our group onto the elevators. We were completely surrounded by eager employees the moment we reached the main lobby.

All of them keen to congratulate Art and I. The entire time I couldn't look away from Arts beautifully flushed face as excited female workers crowded him. They squealed in excitement and begged to see his ring.

Which they gaped at. I was surprised to see Art play along as people we were hardly familiar with fussed over him.

It made my heart ache knowing that's all he really wanted from the moment we got engaged. He simply wanted our love treated with joy instead of scrutiny.

After a while I step back with Junior against my chest to let them chat.

Each time Art smiles or flushes my heart reacts.

"I wish my husband loved me that much." One older woman says playfully while gazing at Arts rings.

"I'm sure he does," Art affirms.

"I love the way it catches the light." Another lady says in awe.

"Honestly..me too. I find myself staring at it way to much." Art says proudly.

"I would have fainted if someone gave me a ring like that!" A young women with dark red hair and thick black eyeglasses squeals.

Art laughs an airy laugh, "I almost did. My heart definitely skipped a beat." He says and I hardly recognize him. Normally Art hates this much attention but I can't help but feel pride that he's so happy.

That he's so proud to be mine. It's humbling.

We finally get a break from the chaos as the elevator doors shut we all collectively sigh.

"I hope they get tired of us quick. How exhausting." I complain and Art gently hits my arm as reprimand.

"They're just happy for us."

"Ecstatic." Steel corrects dryly and we all laugh.

"Has everyone arrived?" I ask as I lean against the metal banister and bounce Junior who is starting to get fussy in my arms.

"About an hour ago." Jay answers with a sigh.

Steel adjusts his suit jacket and secures the middle button, "They seem eager." He says with a huff.

"It's not like they can actually fire me." I say as I  rub Juniors back to soothe him as he squirms. He suddenly whimpers and Mint turns all the way around to look at his face.

I watch as she gently brushes kisses against his cheeks to stop him crying.

"What is it my baby? Are you hot?" She coos at him and I put the back of my hand against his neck to check.

"It's kind of tight in here. I don't think he likes it." Art says with a sympathetic pout.

I lift him higher in my arms so we are face to face and gently rub my cheek against his.

"We're almost there. Be a good boy for your dad." I coo to him as he lifts his little hand and puts his fingers in his mouth.

"He must be hungry." Mint says.

"Didn't he have a bottle before we left?" Art asks.

"Yeah, that was like three hours ago. I gave it to him while Mint got dressed. He's ready for another one." Gear adds.

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