7. Baby Pains-

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"Well...this is super fucking impressive." I say nonchalantly as I browse through Clovers dressing room.

"Just you wait." She says as she kicks off her heels and plops down on the cream couch. She picks up the phone on the side table, "Hi, can we please have some champagne with strawberries and cheese board in my dressing room?"

Ok, I'm jealous. I admit to myself as I rummage through her closet. Her  characters closet for sure. Clover would never wear these things on her own, way too flamboyant. In the best of ways of course.

"I have never considered dressing in drag but Mariella's wardrobe has me considering it. I mean we're practically the same size." I yell from the closet and she chortles.

I peak my head out to look at her, "What's funny? You don't think I could pull it off?"

"I'm actually positive you could. Honestly you could steal my role out from under me I'm sure."

"I guess."

"I know you're just bored to tears."

I walk over from the closet and sigh deeply before dropping myself down and lying my head in her lap.

"I am."

"Then go back to work." She says as she combs her fingers through my hair.

"Jay and I are thinking of having a baby."

She squints her eyes at me, "You going to carry the child yourself?" She asks sardonically and I laugh.

"You're too funny."

"Hehe nothing. Say yes."

"To what?"

Clover smiles, "It's why I invited you. My stylist for the show she'll be leaving."


"Something to do with her family. Between you and me I think she's pregnant. I thought it rude to ask but never-mind it doesn't matter. I can't imagine anyone better for the job than you."

"How? I've never styled someone, let alone for a soap opera."

She frowns, "You've never been requested to style but you style Art, Junior, Jay, Steel, Fiat, and me plenty and rudely might I add. I mean it's a s if we asked, begged actually. I already recommended you for the job. The stylist Amy is a fan of yours and even offered to train you. You just need to shadow her for the next month. That's more than enough time to get acclimated."


Clover and I both look up at the sound of knocking at the door.

"Come in." She calls. The door cracks open and a young women I assume is around our age with dark purple bangs peeks in around the door. Her pretty round face flushed with an adorable blush.

"Come in silly." Clover says and she smiles broadly exposing the cutest little gap between her two front teeth.

She steps in through the door carrying a bottle of champagne beneath one arm and a platter with a charcuterie board filled with strawberries, grapes, different cheese cubes, and mixed meat slices. At first my eyes are drawn to the fancy looking chopping board but after she completely enters all that is forgotten as my gaze drops down to her very obvious baby bump. I slowly turn my head to look at Clover. She looks at me completely neutral faced as she blinks her long lashes at me.

*Blink*Blink*Blinkity Blink*

My friend has a fucking screw loose this women is soo obviously big and pregnant.

Unrequited? 3- AfterKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat