5. AMA-

114 8 14


Fuck it's tense here.

"I'll repeat myself. Please speak now if you take issue." Fiat says sternly as he stares the room down.

He smirks as he arranges a sleeping Junior more comfortably against his chest.

"Good. Cause from now on this is how things are going to be. I will no longer sacrifice time with my family for this god forsaken place. So going forward if you need to see me just assume that I will bring my husband and my child." He says smugly.


I flinch almost completely out of my skin at the sound of a fist hitting the table. Everyone looks toward the older man with his fingers clutched painfully tight against the wood.

"Do you have something to say?" Fiat challenges.

The older man's scalding gaze of contempt lifts to challenge Fiat.

"Is this all a joke to you?" He speaks through clenched teeth, his lined neck crimson with rage.

The gentleman sitting beside him places a restraining hand on his shoulder in an attempt to calm him.

The angry man pushes the hand aside and stands from his seat.

"You are the face of this company. Everything you do matters and effects every single person in this building. Do you understand the damage you have caused with your wily behavior? How much loss and penalties you have caused?"

"I do. Guess what? I don't care." Fiat says as the man's neck red neck seems to slowly spread to his ears and cheeks.

Sonia clears her throat and instantly all eyes are on her.

She very gracefully stands from her seat. Everyone watches her intently as she runs her hands down her pencil skirt as if to smooth the wrinkles before walking around the table to meet Fiat.

She stands before him holding his gaze for so long my neck starts to itch from the tension.

"Ok. I get it. We have all heard your demands. Now hear ours. You are our leader, the face, the blood of this company. We work for you not against you."

She takes a deep breath, walks around the table, and places herself at the front of the room.

"The way things have been done up until now must change. My husband and I put all our blood, sweat, and tears into this company."

She looks to Fiat, "We sacrificed everything for one clear objective. You. You were always the objective. We wanted you to have a life.......

She takes another tentative breath, "We wanted you to have everything your heart desired. But all I actually succeeded in was being the type of mother that learns her son got married on the cover of a magazine....

I gasp and the entire room looks to me.

"Sorry," I mumble awkwardly at the room.


"As per the agreement with your father before his death, at the time of your marriage you receive all his shares. Which equates to 30%. Along with the 15% that you had since your birth that is 45%."

She sighs heavily, "Today...as a wedding gift from your mother...I give to you 10% of my 25% shares.....

She says the words and my legs get weak from the shock. I take the empty seat behind me to keep from falling.

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