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Forks, Washington

Liv was sitting with her back to Bella talking with Mike and Eric. Jessica lets out a loud sigh. "Yes, Jessica?" Liv asked, still looking at her food.

"When are you going to talk to Bella? You've been ignoring her since-"

Liv snapped and glared at Jessica, "Since she told me my best friends don't love me? Yeah. I'm not talking to her. I saw a side of the Cullens that not even Bella knew. They became like family to me and I take family leaving me hard." She looked over her shoulder at the Swan girl. "She knows that. Yet she still used it against me. Sorry that I don't care about you and her going shopping."

"Wow. Okay. I was going to ask if she was always an adrenaline junkie?"

"What do you mean?"

"Bella after the movie went toward some guys. Rough-looking guys. They were out front next to their motorcycles. And the cat called us. She got on one of them! Her brain snapped back just in time and she had the guy stop but still what is wrong with her?"

Liv looks down. "So you're telling me Bella went 'Lost Boys' on you?"


Liv looks between the teens. "Tell me you've seen 'Lost Boys'? The greatest vampire movie ever. 1987?"

Jessica looks at her with confusion. "What?"

Liv whispers under her breath "Oh my Chuck." She looks up. "Fine, I'll go talk to her."

Liv walked over. She turned the chair next to Bella around sitting how Jasper does, a habit she picked up from her time with him. "Bella?" Bella looks to Liv. "We got to talk. Jess said you went 'Lost Boys' with her. Jumping onto some dude's motorcycle. Are you insane? You know how dangerous people can be, Bells." She places a hand on her friend's arm. "The hell is up with you?" Bella moved out of her reach and stood leaving the cafeteria. Liv rolled her eyes and followed the drama queen. Bella stopped halfway out the door and it caused Liv to accidentally bump into the girl not paying attention. Bella turned and pushed Liv to the ground. Liv's eyes glowed gold fast. "What the fuck, Be-"

"Don't talk to me! You're the reason they're gone!" Bella yelled at her and kicked her. Everyone was gathering around the girls hoping that Liv was going to fight back. Mike, Eric, Jess and Angela were fighting to get through the crowd to stop it. Bella leaned down and whispered in Liv's ear. "Why don't you show everyone what you are? You get run out of town and Edward can come back!"

Liv quickly grabbed Bella's foot and stood up while still holded her leg. Her breath was harder than normal before she could say anything, teachers and her friends were able to push through the crowd. ​​Coach Clapp, Mr. Molina and Ms. Hammond pushed through. Mike placed a hand on her shoulder.

Mike whispered in her ear. "Liv. Let her go." Liv dropped Bella's leg with a hard glare in her eyes. She's unable to process that her best friend just tried to make the Beast come out on purpose.

Mr. Molina looked between the other two. Coach Clapp looks between the girls. "Both of you. Principal's office. We'll be calling your parents." Coach Clapp looked at the four teens next to Liv. "Do you four want to come as well?" They nodded feeling bad that they pushed Liv to talk to Bella.

Ms. Hammond with the help of Mike got Liv to the nurse's office to give her an ice pack for her side Bella kicked and her head from the fall. Bella was in Mr. Greene's office when Ms. Hammond walked Liv in. The other four were left with Mrs. Cope. "Miss. Winchester as I have told Miss. Swan, I'm going to have to call your parents. I don't seem to have any record of a phone number for you parents."

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