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Forks, Washington

Dean was upset and slammed the table with his fist. "So let me get this straight, Olivia? We have to work with..." He gestures to the Cullens. "Them. We have trained against them and now we have to work beside them. No way."

Liv sighed and turned to Cas. "Dad! Tell him to listen." She turned to her dad. "Dad. It's not like we haven't teamed up with other people before."

"PEOPLE, Olivia!" Dean yelled. Liv stepped back, scared at him raising his voice at her. Jasper and Emmett both stepped up and stood at her sides. "They are not people."

"Dean!" Sam yelled at his brother. "I get that you want answers. Hell, we all do. But you can not take it out on Liv." He gestures to Liv with the two Cullen boys by her side. "If they wanted to kill us... her we'd be dead." He glared at his brother.

"I'm sorry, Sam but this isn't going to work. I need to keep my family safe and sitting around with bloodsuckers isn't it." Cas turns Dean to him. "What, Cas?"

"You can't take it out on Olivia. She is just trying to help."

Dean glare hardens even more on the angel. "Shove it, Cas. We're leaving. Sam, Liv, you and me. We're leaving right now."

Liv stepped forward. "No."

Dean turns to his daughter. "No?" Cas places a hand on his chest. "What do you mean no? Liv, it's dangerous here."

"Dad. You can leave but I'm staying. You may not see it but they can help us. This is bigger than anything we have faced."

"I'm not leaving you, Olivia."

"Then I guess your stay. Now that that is figured out." She turns to Carlisle. "What is the first step to curing a patient, Doc McStuffins?"

Carlisle shook his head at the nickname but answered, "Finding out what the cause is and diagnosing it."

Liv smiles. "Exactly! We have to figure out what we are up against." She turns to her Uncle Sam. "Uncle Sam, can you get the journals and books from the car?"

Sam looks at Dean and shrugs before turning to leave. Dean grabs his arm, "What? You're going along with this, Sammy?"

"She's right, Dean. We need to help." Sam turns and starts walking to the Impala. Before he walks to the door he looks at Dean. "She gets her bossiness from you, Dean. And her loyalty to family." Sam gestures to Jasper and the other Cullens. "Bobby always said 'family doesn't end in blood,' Dean. You might not like it but Liv's family is Jasper as much as we are to her. The others are his family, we got to help bring this son of a bitch down." He leaves and Dean lets out a sigh.

Dean whispers, "I hate when he's right." He looks up at Liv with softer eyes. "What are we doing, Bud?" Sam walks in with the books and his laptop.

"Research." She smiles and everyone sits down at the table looking through the books, journals and Sam's laptop.

"Feathers, Timon, Pumba and little Simba, what are you up to?" Liv sees Crowley standing in the hall. Cas glares at him from his seat. "Calm down there, Wonder Boy. I'm here to help." He looks to the brothers and pulls open his coat revealing a bleeding wound. "I know what you're up against. They tried attacking me."

Liv stood up. "'They'?" Carlisle stood to go to help Crowley, his doctor mindset kicking in. Before he could move towards him Dean grabbed his arm and shook his head

Crowley turned to her. "Yes. Seems like a few ghouls, werewolves and vampires are teaming up together. I was attacked by one of the dogs. I was able to torture him into giving up the locaton of operations."

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