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Forks, Washington

Liv walks to the door with the help of her dad. She sees Sam, Embry, and Paul in a stare down with the male Cullens. Liv understands that the yelling is coming from Sam and the short growls from Jasper.

"Where is she, Cullens?" The yell has venom behind it as it leaves Sam's tongue. Liv lets go of her dad and starts to the door. "I can smell her blood, leach. If you hurt her I swear. I'll kill you."

Liv opens the door and slowly makes her way in front of Sam. She smiles at a worried Embry. "Hey Bry." Her eyes land on the angry Sam. "Heel, Scooby. What are you even doing here?"

Sam looks her up and down, his eyes landing on the bandages on her arm and exposed stomach from the cropped shirt she had in the impala. "I felt you get hurt."

"Felt?" Liv questions as Carlisle, Cas, Dean, and Sam make their way from the house. "What do you mean?"

Sam nodded. "I. I imprinted in you, Liv. When I first saw you. The bond allows me to feel things. Like when you're hurt. I thought the leach got to you."

Liv rolled her eyes. "No, Scooby. Carlisle saved my life. Good news though the mystery killing should stop. It was a group of ghouls, werewolves and vamps. We stopped them. A vamp my family had history with attacked me. Emmett and Jasper stopped her from killing me." Paul growled at Edward as he moved. Liv looked him in the eyes. Her eyes glowed amber. "Calm it, Cranky." Instantly Paul calmed down, shocking the wolves.

Paul looked at Sam. Sam turned to Liv. "How did you...?"

"Huh?" Liv tilted her head. Sam thought it was adorable but they had to keep focus.

"Paul. You calmed him down. Your eyes turn amber. It's like you gave him a command and he was forced to listen."

Liv looked to her dads and uncle. "Has that ever happened before?" They shook their heads. Her uncle walked to the impala pulling out the 'Quileute Legends' book. He flips through when his eyes widen.

"Dean..." Dean walks next to his brother and reads.

Liv looks at them. "What's going on, Uncle Sammy?"

Sam looks at the wolf boy. "You're the alpha right?" Sam looks at Liv's uncle and nods. He steps a bit closer to Liv resting his head on her shoulder and wrapping his arm around her good side, missing being close to her. A surprise to everyone Liv leans into him. Sam looks back at the book before reading. "'The alpha holds a power known as Alpha Voice. When he finds his true mated imprint the imprint will gain a similar power that not only controls the pack he leads but the alpha as well in a form of mind control. It is known as the Beta Control or Beta Voice.'" Sam stops reading and looks up.

Sam puts his face in her neck, his arm pulling her closer to his body. She lets out a yelp from him pulling her. He lets go of her pulling away scared he hurt her. "I'm sorry, Livy."

She turns and places a hand on his cheek. "I'm okay." She looks to Embry who looks ready to attack Sam for hurting his friend. "Really. I'm okay. The bitch we faced attacked me from the dark. She slashed my arm, leg and side. Carlisle said the arm and leg weren't too bad, my wolf side was healing them slightly. The side was really deep so it wasn't healing as fast." Sam looks down. She forces him to look at her. "I promise you didn't hurt me."

He searches her eyes for any lies but can't find any. "Okay." The alpha turns to look at Carlisle. "I'm sorry for breaking the treaty, Cullen. I felt her hurt and smelled blood over here. I was scared to lose her, I promise it won't happen again."

Carlisle gives Sam a reassuring smile as Esme joins him by the door. He looks from his mate to Sam. "I understand how it feels to smell your mate's blood. In fact I'd like to talk to your elders about a change in the treaty. I have a feeling that Liv will be over here more since finding out Jasper is her uncle. I would like to extend an offer allowing you to be over the line if you're with Liv, Sam."

Sam looks at the oldest Cullen and nods, "I'll talk to Billy." Sam looks back at Liv and gives a small smile. "I'll see you later, Liv." The three wolves left after shifting back to the reservation. The Cullens, Winchesters and Cas walk back into the house.

Edward turns to Liv. "Bella's birthday is coming up. I'm sure she'd be happy to have a friend here. Alice is planning a party and it's not like anyone from school is allowed here."

Liv looked to her dad. "Can I?" Dean nodded. Liv smiled brightly at Edward. "I'll be there, Panic!" Edward tilts his head. "What?"


"Yeah." Liv let out a chuckle and gestures to the blonde male next to her. "He's Pain. Get it Hades minions. Pain and Panic. You panic over Bells getting hurt. Jas looks like he's in Pain. Seemed to fit." Emmett let out a booming laugh at her reasonings for the nicknames.

Edward rolled his eyes. Emmett spoke, "I call being Thor to Jasper's Loki!"

Liv shrugged, "Loki is taken. And Thor is an ass. You don't want to be him."

Emmett looks at her. "What do you mean?"

"Loki is taken by my Uncle Gabe." She looks to Carlisle. "The archangel, Gabriel. Specifically" She looks back at Emmett. "My Uncle Luci thought he killed Uncle Gabe but he's smarter than that. He hid in Heaven till Uncle Satan and God's First Bitch finished fighting." Jasper looked at her like she had five heads. "What? Was it 'Uncle Satan' or 'God's First Bitch' that is making me receive this look, Jas?"


"What can I say?" She gestures to Cas. "He's my dad." Dean stepped closer to Cas at the words. "Not his fault his brother's the Devil. And as for God's First Bitch. Let's just say that Lucifer has a sense of humor. Micheal not so much. Stick is shoved so far up his ass I'm surprised you can't see it out his mouth." She leaned on Jasper's side, closing her eyes. "I'm going to sleep." She opened her one eye look at her dad. "Wake me when we're leaving. Or don't. I'll just sleep in Rosie's room."

A/N: Like, comment, vote and follow! Next chapter comes out on March 3rd.

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