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Forks, Washington

A few days later, Liv was in the Cullen house. She was helping Emmett put up a banner. It's Bella's birthday. Alice had given Bella a dress at school and Jasper used his mood thing, Liv still doesn't understand how it works, to make her agree to come to the party. Liv was talking with Jasper about everything that was going on. A few demons have been popping up around Fork. Her dad and uncle have been doing all they can in fighting them. On a brighter view, Liv spent the weekend with Sam. the pair had been getting alot closer. She found out he broke up with Emily after Liv officially met the pack. Emily moved in with her aunt and cousins. Sam got new everything in before Liv had come over. Including a new bed, seeing as he shared it with Emily her scent was all over it. Sam knows better than anyone how territorial wolves can be. While he's never met a female wolf he assumes it to be the same. After the party she's going back to the reservation, seeing as it's Friday. That's how her past week has been. Weekdays she goes to school, hangs with the Cullens and heads back home to her dad and uncle. The weekends she goes to the pack house and spends time with them.

She has been talking with Rose, the Cullen she's closest with besides Jasper, about everything with Sam. Liv had not told any Cullen, besides Rose of course, but Sam asked her to be his girlfriend yesterday over the phone. She hasn't given him an answer but she is going to tell him in person. Liv pulled on the black dress Alice forced her to wear.

Liv and the Cullens heard footsteps. Liv stood next to Jasper, a hand on his shoulder as emotional support. Carlisle and Esme stepped forward hugging the human. "Sorry about all this." Carlisle gestures to the balloons and streamers. "We tried to rein Alice in."

Esme laughs lightly, "Like that's even possible. Happy birthday, Bella."

Liv looks at her great uncle and mumbles under her breath, "I'm never telling Alice my birthday." Jasper lets his posture loosen up a bit as he laughs at Liv. He never knew how good it felt to have someone other than Alice. Liv made him feel human again. She acted so much like his sister, it scared him sometimes.

A camera flash was seen from Alice taking a picture of Bella with Carlisle and Esme. "Found it in your bag. Mind?" Bella shook her head. Alice looked over at Liv, "Liv get in a photo with Bella." Liv hit Jasper's shoulder handing him her bag, another thing that Alice forced onto her. As she walked over she towered over the two. Alice's 5'3 frame and Bella's 5'5" frame are nothing compared to her 5'7" frame normally but even worse in the heels Alice gave her. She easily reached Jasper's height in the shoes.

Liv hugged Bella as she walked over. "Happy birthday, Bell!" She heard Emmett whisper to Edward about 'Dating an older woman.' She looked at the bear of a man with a smirk. "Hey Em. No. No teasing."

Emmett laughed. "I'm not one of your wolf pups you can control, Little Red." She rolled her eyes. She's gotten much better at controlling her Beta Voice and was able to turn it off and on freely, not wanting the boys to feel obligated to follow every rule.

Rose walks to Bella and hands her a sliver box. Bella gives a questioning look to the blonde. "It's a necklace. Alice and Liv picked it out." Rose walks back over to Emmett who wraps an arm over his wife's shoulder.

Alice drags Bella over to a table piled with gifts. "Open your other presents, Bella."

Bella notices the huge cake on the table. "Alice, Liv and I are the only ones who even eat cake. That thing could feed fifty people."

Liv laughed. "My dad said if there is any cake left over he'll take a slice. He's normally more of a pie person but on birthdays he makes exceptions."

Alice hands Bella a big box wrapped nicely. "Here this one is from Emmett." Bella opens it to find an empty car-radio box.

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