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La Push, Washington

The Winchester brothers are continuing with their interviewing of the Quileute. They are going to talk to Billy Black and Harry Clearwater. Dean and Sam decided on waiting until after school so they could bring Liv to meet up with her friends on the reservation.

The school bell had just rang and Liv was walking out of school with Rosalie when Emmett grabbed the girl and put her over his shoulder running out the front door, Liv dropping her bag in the process, Rose picking it up for her. Liv was easily able to get over his grip using her experience hunting. Emmett, Jasper, Rosalie and Liv were talking and waiting for the other two Cullen siblings and Bella. Jasper had his arm over Liv's shoulder.

Dean sat up in his seat as he saw his daughter with two guys, one who picked her up and the other with his arm around her. Sam saw his brother move from out of the corner of his eye and looked up from the Quileute legend book on his lap.

"Dean, I know what you're thinking but let's be reasonable-" Before Sam can finish his sentence his older brother gets out of the car and is storming towards the group of teens.

The group of students heard the sound of heavy boots storming towards them. Liv put down her head and sighed recognizing the sound anywhere. She turned and came eye to eye with her dad, his car with her uncle leaning on it behind him. "Hey Dad."

The Cullen boy and Hale siblings turned towards the oldest Winchester and their friend's dad. The other Cullens walked up with the Swan girl, Edward explained that is Liv's dad. "Ummm. Hey Rockstar. Sammy and I figured since we were going to interview a few more of the Quileutes we'd bring you to meet with the boys you met there last time."

Liv heard a growl from the blonde boy at the thought of her in a place he can't protect her. Liv pinned it in the back of her mind to ask what that was about before nodding, "Sure dad." She walked over to Rosalie and grabbed her bag from her.

Rose pulled her into a hug and whispered in her ear, "You better text me later." Nodding she walked to the giant Cullen earning her a 'you better call me' look. She sees Jasper's eyes going black so she hugs him. She whispers in his ear "I'll text you on the way there and when I leave. I promise." She waves to the others before following her dad back to the car. Her uncle walks around and pulls her into a hug before lightly pushing her to the back.

Liv jumps in the impala. Noticing her dad's pissed look in his eyes as he pulls out the parking lot. "Dad. Uncle Sam." Both Winchester brothers look at the Winchester girl, Dean through the mirror and Sam turning in his seat. "What do you know about mom?"

"Why do you want to know, Kit Kat?" Sam answered knowing that his brother doesn't like talking about her.

"I know all about the Winchesters and Campbells but I know nothing about her. Hell, I don't even know her name or anything." Liv spoke. She didn't want to let her uncle or dad know about the Cullens. She knows that her dad at least will assume that they are behind the killings. And she wants to at least know about her connection to Jasper before they go ahead and kill him. She sees the hurt and anger in her dad's eyes through the mirror. "Dad, say something?"

"That bitch left us and you want to know about her, Olivia? Why? What made this come up? Do you want to pack up and leave me too?" Dean shouts at her. Liv was shocked at her dad's explosion.

"Dean, breath. It's her right to know her mom." Sam started trying to be a sense of reason to his brother.

"Sam, not the time! Olivia doesn't need to know that whore." Dean stated through bared teeth.

By the time the car grew silent they pulled up to Billy Black's house. Jacob and Quil standing outside. As soon as the car stopped a pissed off Liv was out the backseat and walking toward the woods. The younger boys followed her. As they walked to the woods Jacob was calling out to her Quil hot on his tail.

"Liv!" They came to a fallen tree and Liv sat down and tears started to form. As the boys came closer they saw her tears. "What's wrong Liv?" Jacob sat on one side and Quil on the other. Jacob pulled her into a hug. Liv felt something behind her and looked over Jacob's shoulder to see three of the massive wolves behind them in the woods a few yards away the bushes covering them to the boys. One of the wolves was sleeker than the other two with gray fur that had black patches. The wolf's nose is dark gray. The look in his eyes held caring and it seemed like he wanted to run up to her and try and take away any pain he could from her. The second has dark silver fur and dark eyes. The last wolf is the same black wolf with golden eyes she saw when she first came. He had the same love sick puppy look in his eyes that Sam had when she talked to him.

She looked at Jacob and said, "My dad and I got in a fight. I asked about my mom." She looks at Quil who has a caring look in eyes. She takes a deep breath, "I've never known her and just wanted to learn about my family." She leans more into Jacob; she hears a growl from the black wolf with her own wolf hearing. "I've never heard him yell at me like that before."

Jacob tried to start talking as Quil patted her back, "Liv I'm so sor-" Liv cut the younger boy off unitentally.

"Hey boys. I think I'm just going to take a walk. By myself." She could see Jacob almost protest, "I'll call either of you if I get lost. I just need to think to myself." Liv started towards where the wolves were, when she was sure the boys weren't following her, she started running. After getting to the clearing where the wolves were she calls out. "Hello? I saw you three you can come out." She heard the rustle of leaves.

The first to show was the gray wolf with black patches. He walked over to her and placed his large head on her shoulder. Next was the dark silver wolf. He looked rather grumpy to Liv. She went to reach out only for him to growl and back up. "All right, Grumpy." Liv mumbled under her breath. The last was the black wolf. He was much larger than the other two. Liv lightly tapped the gray wolf's head to get him off her shoulder. "Who are you? I've seen you all over La Push. If you were a normal wolf you wouldn't be following me or come out when I called. If you're a shifter please reveal yourselves. I promise that I won't hurt you. I'm a shifter too. If you show me I can help you." The black wolf turned and looked at the others nodding. The three left. After a few moments a shirtless Paul, Embry and Sam moved forward from where the wolves disappeared from.

Sam is looking down, not looking her in the eye. "Well then." Liv started causing Sam to slightly look up. "I guess the cat's out of the bag..." She moves towards Sam and lifts his head using her hand, "Or should I say wolf." She moves back and sees a scared Embry and grumpy Paul.

Sam clears his throat, "Liv I think it's time I introduce myself properly." Liv suddenly sees a shift in his attitude. Instead of the lovestruck puppy she met on the beach Sam seemed more of a leader. She's guessing that he's the alpha of the pack just because of his mannerisms change. "Let us take you to the pack house."

 Embry throws his arm over Liv's shoulder, "Well Liv I guess this is your Welcome to the pack!"

A/N: I just realized a full half of this chapter was missing! I'll be putting it in a separate chapter as a part 2!

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