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Forks, Washington

 The old red truck pulls up to the small log cabin. Sam looks out the front window seeing the pale girl in the driver's seat. Sam raises a hand waving to Bella. Bella shows a shy smile and raises her hand to the giant. Sam walks to the stairs that lead to his niece's room.

"Kit Kat, your friend is here." Sam calls up to the red head. Liv grabs her bag for school and opens the attic door. She runs past where her uncle was. On her way out the door she shouts a quick bye to her dad. She walks out the door, she sees her uncle on the front porch. Liv hugs Sam.

"I'll see you later, Uncle Sam." She pulls out of the hug and climbs into Bella's truck. "Hey Bella. Thanks for taking me to school. Hopefully by next week I'll have my bike here."

Bella pulls out the driveway, "No problem Liv. Do you want to come to my boyfriend, Edward's house later. I told him and his siblings about you and they all would like to meet you. Even Rosalie."

Liv thought for a few moments before shrugging, "Sure. I'd love to meet them."

The brunette begins the drive to the school. The ride is quiet, Liv flips the lid of her lighter open and close, never turning it on in the moving rust bucket. Bella speaks up, "So Liv, what is with the lighter?"

Liv looks at the profile of her new friend's face. She runs her hand over the smooth heart in the middle of the lighter, "Oh. My Uncle Bobby gave it to me before his death."

Bella gasped afraid she had dug too deep, "I'm so sorry Liv. I didn't mean to-"

Liv shocked Bella with a little chuckle. "Bells your good. He died 3 years ago. He always carried one with him so he gave it to me in 2011 a year before his death. He became like a dad to my dad and uncle after my grandfather died. It was hard at first but I know that he's happy now and looking down at me."

"How can you be so sure?"

"He might not have been a saint but he did lots of good in the world. I have no doubt in my mind." Liv chucked looking out the window, "Besides that hard ass couldn't go to hell. Him and Luci would get into too many fights and burn that deep fryer down."

Bella did a quick look at Liv before focusing on the road again, "Did you just call Lucifer Luci? And Hell a deep fryer?"

Liv stiffens, trying to think of an excuse because saying that's what he calls himself doesn't seem like a logical excuse, "It's a joke." Liv smiles even if Bella can't see it, "Uncle Bobby used to call them that to make me not as afraid of monsters and demons under the beds."

Bella nods. The pair pull into the parking lot. "Do you need help finding the office Liv?"

"I'm good. I'm great with directions." Liv jumps from the truck and starts walking away as Mike, Eric, Jess, and Angela walk closer, "Later Bells! Hey guys! I'll see you later." Liv walks past a cherry red Mercedes Convertible, a sliver Volvo and a white Jeep. She looks at the owners, a group of 2 girls and 3 guys. They are all suspiciously beautiful with liquid gold eyes. The model blonde girl has a giant black haired weightlifter looking guy with his arm around her shoulders, next to them is a short girl with spiky brown hair, she looks like a pixie. The pixie is holding on to a boy who looks to be in pain, almost like he's holding back from attacking everyone. Liv made a mental note of that. The last boy had brown hair with bronze highlights. He was looking directly at Liv with concentration. Fucking hell dude. You can relax, not like the world is going to end. Again. As Liv thought she could have sworn he looked started at the again part. Like he could hear her.

Shaking her head Liv continued up to the stairs. Once inside she found the office.

"Hi. I'm Olivia Wincheaster. I just transferred from homeschooling."

The kind older woman behind the desk smiled, typing away on the dinosaur of a computer, "Of course, Olivia Winchester. Junior" The older woman looked up from behind her glasses at the tall red hair with a small pile of papers in hand. "This is your class schedule and map of the school. Get all your teachers to sign this slip and bring it back at the end of the day."

Olivia nods, smiling and leaving with a quick bye. She's looking at her schedule when she bumps into a stone wall only to look up and see the pained blonde boy with the pixie at his side.

The pixie speaks up, "I'm so sorry. Jasper wasn't looking where he's going." She reaches a hand to Liv, "I'm Alice Cullen." Liv looks down at her hand and looks at her face.

"I'm Liv." She slowly takes a hold of the girl's hand and notices the soldier-like stance of the blonde.

"Nice to meet you Liv. I can tell we're going to be friends. This is my boyfriend, Jasper." Jasper stares at the red head, "He's not much of a talker. Jaz, don't be rude."

"Jasper Hale, ma'am" Jasper has a southern drawl, Texas to be exact.

Liv smirks at him, tipping a fake hat, "Nice to meet you too cowboy." that earns a small smile from the blonde and causes him to loosen up.

After a light chuckle from the pixie, Alice continued "Any who. What is your schedule like Liv?" Alice asks.

Liv looks at her schedule, reading it to the gold eyed teens, "Umm... AP American History, Gym, AP Trigonometry, Art, Lunch, Latin, and AP English."

Alice smiles, "You have a lot of classes with me and my siblings. You have Jasper in your History, Emmett in Gym and Trigonometry, me in Art, Rosalie in English and Latin."

Rosalie? Bella's boyfriend's family. "Fun." the bell rings, Alice skips away after saying bye leaving the two, "Well partner, let's do-si-do to history." Jasper leads the girl to class not completely understanding the connection to her he has. All he knows is that he's going to protect her no matter what and from whatever he needs to.

Liv taps his shoulder, "Yes, Olivia."

Liv stops and gives a killer look as Jasper continues to walk.

He notices her stop and turns to her. He feels her confusion and fear. "Are you alr-" he reaches to place a hand on her shoulder when she jerks away.


"How wha-"

"Don't play dumb." She intrupes him, "I never told you my name was Olivia. I said it was Liv."

Jasper didn't even realize he called her Olivia. He quickly looked at her paper and pointed to it "Olivia Winchester. It says it on your paper." Liv looks at it confused, but Jasper feels her fear drift away. "I can read you know."

Liv turns red as her hair and looks up at the taller male. "Sorry. Most people aren't that observant. With my past I'm just overly suspicious." She placed a hand on her arm where she was attacked. "Sorry Jasper. Let's just get to class"

They enter the classroom. Jasper goes to his seat and Liv meets with the teacher. The teacher sits Liv next to Jasper. They are learning about the Civil War. Both Jasper and Liv aren't paying much attention but manage to be the only two answering questions right.

The bell rings and the day continues. Gym was simple running on the track. Emmett was super nice and goofy. Liv and him ran together in a jog that was faster than most of the class' running. Emmett and Liv sat next to each other in trigonometry at the back of the classroom. The pair goofs off but ends up still being the only ones to answer questions right besides a nerd in the front who Liv was silently making fun of to Emmett from her seat after he tried to correct her only to get told that she was right by the teacher. After trigonometry, Alice talks Liv's ear off as they paint a group of pineapples which Liv found weird. Alice's was more then Liv's .

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