Chapter Forty-three

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I leant down just slightly to whisper in Juliet's ear as we walked behind Cam and Peter. "You don't have to feel guilty I already know you told them."

I heard her gasp but she kept walking, her feet missing a beat just slightly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to, wait how do you even know?" She whispered back in a rush.

"It's a feeling you get, right, here." I whispered, gently brushing my hand over her stomach, light as a feather.

She pulled in a jagged breath, pausing as she walked, making me stop behind her. She grabbed my hand tightly and kept it against her stomach for a second longer before she pulled it away, turning toward me with a glare. 

She quickly glanced at Peter and Cam to see if they'd noticed anything and they hadn't. "Stop that." She deepened her glare, I couldn't help but smirk. 

Knowing just the smallest touch had effected her so much was, the only way I could describe the feeling, was exciting. 

I couldn't control how I was feeling and it was scary, I'd never experienced anything like it before.

As we finally made it to the lab, Juliet pushed to the other side of Tony's work bench, leaving it between us, as if she didn't trust me, or more herself.

"How are you feeling?" Tony asked us, he looked like he hadn't slept in days, which was most likely the case.

"I'm fine." I shrugged, fine was an appropriate enough word for what I was feeling. I didn't feel like I was dying, which, I hadn't told anyone, but was what I'd felt since I'd woken up in the hospital, I could feel how weak my body was, I couldn't feel the serum not working, like the chains from under the mountainside were back in place.

"I'm okay, thank you for getting me out in time." Juliet said, her words laced with gratitude.

I felt the door open as I glanced back to see Wanda, Steve and Natt enter the lab, Sam followed looking unhappy.

"What is happening?" Cam whispered to Peter.

"Tony thinks everyone needs to know, after what happened in Spain we can't have anymore secrets now it's too serious." He whispered back. 

"I thought he already told everyone?" She whispered back, I'd have thought she'd know, she always knew everything that was happening. 

"He couldn't do it." Peter shrugged.

Tony was right, as much as Juliet would hate it, we couldn't work effectively as a team with half the team in the dark.

Juliet shifted slightly, catching my eye, her eyes wide, I tried to calm my own nerves, project calm towards her, I had no idea how this connection worked but I felt her spike in panic, she should be able to feel the calm.

Sam moved over to Juliet, pulling her into a hug, whispering something to her I didn't catch, my mind too occupied with the way him holding her made me feel inside, jealousy I'd never had the opportunity to feel before.

I shook it off, turning back to look at Tony, trying to find a comfortable position to lean in, not wanting to admit that I needed to sit down.

The stitches in my back felt like they were burning, my head aching, I could feel how pale I'd look. I wasn't used to it and I didn't know how to deal with it.

"Sit down you jackass." Wanda whispered to me, pushing a chair closer to me.

I sighed and sank down, grateful, for once, for the lack of privacy around her.

Cold to the touch.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant