Chapter Twenty Two

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Juliet's eyes grew wide with fear as the last of her smile fell from her face so fast. 

"What the fuck do you want?" She spat, looking around to find where the voice was coming from. 

We'd already established they didn't want us dead yet, if they'd wanted to kill us they would have done it when they'd gotten us off the bike, they'd have made it look like the crash had killed us and left no evidence. 

They wanted us for something else, we just had no idea what that something else could possibly be. 

"You'll find out in time, you just have to be patient." The voice came again, I tried to find the speaker, but like the door, it was nowhere to be found. They obviously had to be able to see or hear us too, but there was nothing here.

I'd assessed every inch of this room while Juliet was out cold.

The dull light that was hanging from the ceiling above, the loops that the chains hung from, they were the only things attached to the walls, nothing else.

Two mattresses, our chains and us. That was everything.

"Just kill us you sick fucks." Juliet shouted, pulling against her chains.

I frowned at her. 

She didn't seem too far gone that she wanted to die, but as I realised how fucked we really were, them killing us was the better alternative, I knew I'd rather be dead than have them control me again. 

"We're not going to kill you, we need you. We were expecting the electric one but he's even better for what we need." He laughed and it made me feel sick as it echoed around the room.

I was flooded with relief when I thought about Cam, she'd be able to sense the electrical currents, find our exit and their cameras instantly, but the relief came when I realised she'd asked me to give Juliet a ride instead of going herself. I didn't want to be here, I didn't want to die here, but me being here instead of Camila was the best outcome. If she'd gone herself, it could be her chained to the wall and not me.

Admittedly she could probably handle the situation a lot better, the chains wouldn't have dampened her powers, and these guys didn't know that, and she would have been able to shut of the cameras and mics, find the door and open that straight away.

But no matter how easy she could have escaped I'd never wish for her to be here, I would always be grateful that it was me and not her that ended up in this room.

It hit me though, that she was probably blaming herself for this, because I'd do the same, any of us would.

She'd asked me to go, and I knew she would be a wreck right now, she loved me, she loved Juliet, she could be as emotionally stunted as she liked, but facts were facts. 

We were best friends, and I just wanted to be free so I could tease her about how I wasn't her best friend, how I'd sell her for a bag of chips and watch her laugh as she rolled her eyes at me.

I missed them all, I had no idea how long it had been since we'd been thrown into this room, it felt longer than it probably was I'm sure but I didn't know how long I'd been out, how long we'd travelled to get to wherever here was.

I knew they'd be trying everything they could to find us, they'd do everything in their power, they'd be driving themselves insane to get to us, but with no leads at all beyond what Yelena had already found, no comms and no way to track us, I had a feeling they'd come up as empty as we had been for the last month. 

"I'll kill you before you touch either of us." I shouted at the room, hating I couldn't find anywhere to direct the threat.

"We've already caught you, your threats seem a little silly now don't they?" The voice sang before the electrical undercurrent cut off, signally he was done talking. 

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