Chapter Nine

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"I'm really sorry about this." Peter said after he'd put my suitcase next to a small light blue sofa in the bedroom I'd been shown too.

I couldn't quite believe where I was. How had I started my day in my own apartment and now I was sat on the edge of a room large bed watching Spiderman put my stuff in a room that I knew was going to start feeling like a prison cell?

"It's fine." I sighed, maybe I was in shock.

"We'll get it sorted as quick as we can, you will be back in your apartment soon." He said, sounding like he didn't really believe it himself.

"An organisation that has been destroyed twice before but still seems to be here? And it'll what? Take you guys a week?" I questioned, feeling like a bitch. "Sorry." I apologised straight away, the guilt now allowing me to show how angry I really felt inside.

"I get it, trust me, Cam didn't want to be here either a year ago." He said, gesturing to the door like she would appear.

It was very hard to believe that, at some point, she didn't want to be here. She was thriving, I'd not known her that whole time but I couldn't imagine her any other way. She was incredibly happy, all of the time.

She was an angry person, she was sarcastic and sometimes came off like a ninety year old widow, but she wasn't unhappy.

"She didn't have to move in with the worst part of her past." I muttered, unsure how much I should even be revealing, it was clear he hadn't said anything to anyone, but surely he would now. Wasn't that why Cam had made Peter show me into the bedroom while she went to interrogate Bucky?

"She lived with her past for over twenty years. Look I don't know what happened with him, but he's not lying. He's not the winter soldier, he hasn't been for years. You seem to trust Cam, even just a little, he's her best friend, do you think someone like her would be friends with the winter soldier?" He asked, crossing his arms as he leant against the small white desk in the corner of the room.

"People can lie Peter." I looked at him, trying to get him to understand, get someone to understand.

"He's a grumpy old man, admittedly sometimes scary, but he's a good person. Would you just talk to him? Figure that out for yourself?" He tilted his head, I don't know what he saw on my face but it looked like he was burning with questions.

Before he could ask any or I could answer anything Cam walked in, huffing out an annoyed breath, she didn't look at us as she stalked to the sofa and dumped herself down.

"He's exhausting." She moaned.

Peter chuckled, trying to cover it with a cough before outright laughing. "It's not funny Bugboy."

"It's extremely funny, just think how he felt when you got here, you spent half your time annoying him." He laughed again.

"I was a delight." She glared at him before turning to smile at me. "I was a delight." She assured me.

I already knew she wouldn't have been, her attitude most mornings was enough to let me know how she would be when she was stressed and upset.

"Have you eaten?" Peter asked me, moving towards the door. I shook my head no and before I could say I wasn't hungry he was already closing the door behind himself.

"You guys are big on feeding people then?" I asked, remembering what she's said about Wanda making her eat, moving my eyes from the closed door.

"They are, apparently snacks aren't meals, who knew?" She feigned surprise. "Trust me, Bugboy bringing snacks is totally better than being forced to a sit down dinner like I was my first day."

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